Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

My only gripe with ESO is that to minmax DPS you have to abuse the heck out of animation cancelling.

Now make no mistake, I’m fond of such techniques and techs usually. However, in ESO mastering this gives a VERY notable increase to damage output, especially in PvP as it can shed several seconds off a cast or attack animation.

Cancels that are fairly few and don’t feel mandatory in order to play the game I can put up with and am even happy to learn. But when the game starts heavily orbiting them across most of your abilities, it starts looking and feeling silly. Especially for an RPG/MMO where that sort of thing probably shouldn’t exist. Certain spells feel like they’re supposed to be balanced around their full animation but when you can cut that animation in half… it’s like if in WoW certain tricks would let you completely skip the cast time or GCD (Excluding actual class mechanics that do this). That’s less of using a ‘tech’ and more the combat just being broken.

I find the staff vs melee to be a bit weird. Outside of all the ‘choice’ stuff being a relative illusion - you still need a proper tested build to perform properly past a certain point.

The staff seems to have distinct advantages over melee due to the animation. You can hold the mouse/controller button down for however long you wish and it will repeat the heavy attack (and it’s animation) giving you back mana and reducing how much attention you have to pay. Melee however seems to need to click every single time, it doesn’t carry over.

It’s a small thing but it does make a staff build feel superior by itself.

Almost 15 years and still we casters toss spells with a perfectly good magic staff glued to our backs.


Starting to think when I resub that I should focus on red side, it seems the alliance is full of ‘secret’ scumbags.

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While I do like the new casting animations, I’d much prefer to be able to cast spells with your staff. Also walking with your staff would be nice (WAR did this years ago). I do think it’d be neat to have the option between using staves and hands for casting though.

pet peeve is how quiet it is. Did everyone get suspended?

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I know someone who did. How’s it feeling, Elenthas? =)

i told you i wouldn’t forget


When you’re just -one- piece off finishing a full “elite” tier of the warfront sets. It’s more irritating that I can’t use the full set until I have this bit, because without it it makes the set look a little daft.

What is a secret scumbag
It sounds like a delicious candy

Internet culture is a fun thing when you know where to look at… However there are scums out there poisoning the well with their disgusting emojis such as.


Utterly revolting especially when they go into full furry behavior of "what’s this bulge? "

You disgust me, it makes skin crawl.


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OwO nibbles on ur toesy wowsies UoU


This is why we can’t have good things.

We must spread Christianity once more in a Crusade… An online Crusade.

Remember people "All Crusades are just"


Just what, Ranying? Just stupid?


BGs, I have no idea how we’re winning them. In that last one alone, me (disc priest), an ele shaman and a BM hunter were stuck in our base continuously being peppered by 2 destruction warlocks.

Somehow, the rest of our team had got the last two flags and just ran them to us while we defended.

none of the alliance went for the flag, one of the warlocks eventually did but got destroyed.

I don’t know what was happening most of the time.

I wonder if blizz would be opposed to it if I were to make a statement implying that furries ought to be rounded up, lined up, or shot up.

This is of course purely hypothetical and merely meant as a question/topic, I would never advocate violence against a group of people.

If they want to act like animals, they can be treated like them. Not as people.


I like the way you think…

A pandaren and a tauren. These are uneasy allies in the battle against anthropomorphic animal fetishists, but I will deal with who I have to…


I’m relatively confident that neither me nor ranying are intending on intercourse with anything remotely resembling our characters.

Or, for that matter, any intercourse at all. We are WoW players, after all.


A great french leader (sort of) Napoleon once said.

“Do not fear a competent enemy… Be wary of incompetent allies”

Tehya and I proved our worth.