Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

I suppose this is true. Can I count on you, when the time comes for the worst of your kind to be put to the torch?

The pyre constructed will make Teldrassil look like little more than a candle in the breeze…


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People devoting so much energy into showing how much they hate furries are my pet peeve.

Why? Just… why? As a live-and-let-live kind of person, I find it just baffling.


“Furries don’t deserve access to clean water”

-Loras, probably


Blizzard already has a :bone:r for ruining Pandaria and Pandaren in general. By genociding my own people I am saving them from further degradation from Blizzard.

I shall watch Pandaria burn…

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Yeah I know. It’s almost like we have a sense of humor I mean… It’s not like 6 of my toons are Pandaren, that 90% of the art I draw are Pandaren and that half of my best friends are furries.

Nope we must hate furries obviously.


Don’t be ridiculous, Ranying. Everyone means 100% of everything they say online; didn’t you know?


It’s funny is one reason.

I envy your innocent unsullied mind if you haven’t seen great reasons to scatter every single furry fandom community.

I also encourage you not to dig deeper, it gets pretty grim and gross. Well, very grim and gross.


They crossed over a terrible threshold with the invention of the babyfur.


To quote the great Garithos. Inhuman.


pets in general

People who already fight for Saurfang, despite most people being unaware what happened to him.


the true woke take is for your character to dislike both Windrunner and Saurfang

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That’s called Alliance, you elven bastard.

Depends… I mean is Varian being nice to Saurfang in Ice cream citadel a public fact or just between those who saw it?

Otherwise most Alliance citizens should see Saurfang as just another Orc meant for the green meat grinder.

I’m taking away your talking rights until you put a shirt on.

tbh it’s more called having a brain.

“Please state your name,” said Tyrande kindly.
“I am Varok Saurfang,” he said in a deep voice. “Brother to Broxigar, father to Dranosh. I serve the Horde.”
“Broxigar being one of the great heroes not just of the Horde, but of Azeroth, correct?”
Saurfang’s eyes narrowed, as if he was suspecting a trick. “I and many others deem him so, yes,” he replied.
“You yourself are regarded highly in the eyes of your people, and by the Alliance as well,” Tyrande continued. Baine could hear genuine respect in the night elf’s voice. “Many here know of the great tragedy that befell your son.”

  • War Crimes, page 58
  1. Varok Saurfang is respected by the Alliance as well
  2. It’s common knowledge what happened in Icecrown


An important thing to note is that the Horde side of the Icecrown encounter is the canon one:

Varok’s face grew carefully impassive. “Others suffered as well because of the Lich King’s darkness. I have never asked for special treatment.” The words were true—the brave Dranosh Saurfang had been slain at what had become known as the Battle of Angrathar the Wrath Gate, only to be drafted to rise again as an undead to challenge his father and other heroes of the Horde.

But in spite of that, what happened there is common knowledge to the Alliance as well. Dranosh was a hero, and Varok is regarded highly even by his enemies.


So today I had another siccessful and delicious cooking lesson, tomorrow being another one before we take a bit of a break and continue with the cooking on Thursday.

I am hoping that I will now be able to play with my girlfriend when I come back, and… I also had Elder Scrolls Online download over the time I’ll be out of the house… Hmmm.

I don’t know. I am both looking forward to playing the game, but at the same time I am not looking forward to it that much. I’ll most certainly enjoy exploring the world for a while, killing monsters on my way to places, hopefully also finding some Roleplay.

… But at the same time I am dreading the inevitable moment, that when I find myself bored of exploring a world that really does not challenge in any significant way, I’ll want to play with Dungeons, only to find myself dissatisfied with how the state of it all is, or when I do decide to look for Roleplay, I’ll find none because of sharding, or will find some, but all of it will be done in French (Something Bretons are known to constantly do, speak French for some reason).

Plus in regards to the Roleplaying: I did not leave on good terms witha community guild, after an event of mine being blown off completely, and then shamed/told to shut up when I was constantly advertising the event.

At least on Argent Dawn, I can somewhat rely on people showing a bit of interest and not tell me to “shut the frank up” when advertising an event (If I ever do decide to host another one)… Right?

Thanks for the clarification.

Good news, I got a pen drawing monitor!

Bad news, I botched the screen protector and there’s dozens of tiny air bubbles that can’t be weeded out, many of which are propped up by specks of dust.


Just over halfway to exalted with Nightfallen on my priest.