Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Something I got peeved about when thinking of it earlier:

The situation with the original Nostalrius server and Blizzard. 150000 players were active. Yes, they are back but still.

Here’s what a capable developer would have done: “hey guys, we see you have a huge amount of players. Good work! We were wondering if you wanna join us at Blizzard? We can provide you with servers, a team of GM’s, money and much more. You can keep all the things that made your work so great and continue working on it just with the difference that this would be your job now”.

Maybe put the sub to 5 Euro per month or so. The entire 12 months for anyone who played there for free and afterwards a 5 Euro monthly sub.

I just don’t understand why Blizzard is such a bi-tch. In everything they do recently. It’s like they are sitting in a burning building, people and firefighters are trying to tell them how to get out of the burning building and they sit there and just say “lol no”.


I forgot to mention that it will take until summer 2019 for us to see anything of Vanilla. Bruh. Nostalrius did all the work for you. Maybe a partnership would have been great??? NO? OK.


Orgrimmar/Bilgewater Harbour.

Orgrimmar is so badly designed it’s painful. For a Horde who have this renewed fleet of destroyers and now Iron Horde warships alongside various other naval vessels from across Azeroth, there sure is a distinct lack of ports! Orgrimmar literally has one port, and that’s a tiny little dock which seems to handle entire fleets on its own. The developers have realized that they can’t cram anything else into the canyons or lump things on the cliffs above, so they’ve resorted to tearing down older stuff to put in the new as they continue to fill up Stormwind’s absolutely massive back yard.

The solution to all of this could be simple, updating Bilgewater Harbour, what is supposed to be the Horde’s main harbour which is this small town with a cannon strapped to it. Thinking of it as an extension of Orgrimmar, they could expand it, build a Mag’har Fortress overlooking a new Iron Docks style area in order to give the Mag’har a home which represents them joining the Horde. They could move the old NPCs from the Goblin slums to a new area as well as recreating the slums in the Harbour. They could even have the Forsaken move in as it seems that the Goblins are the only race of the Horde that won’t complain as smoke and pollution bellow out of a Forsaken apothecarium because they’re polluting too and are willing to turn a blind eye.

They just need to stop cluttering or pasting over a city which is too small and start expanding it.


Because admitting that a group of ragtag developets doing a good work on old tech would essentially be admitting defeat, and that they actually, in fact, failed in some regard with their newer content, while looking foolish for their snark about people wanting the old ways to play with.

Better to threaten people and shut down good things, than admit that you may’ve goofed a bit, offer people a job and what have you. I guess the crusty old vampires known as the stockholders would not be too happy to see Blizzard essentially saying “You did something effectively, while we are dragging a development process along to torment people. How would you like some money?”

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They’re a b!tch because shareholders control the company. If it doesn’t make them money, it’s shut down.

This couldnt’ve been worded better.


Activi$$$on want the hot dosh always, corporate control of Blizzard a -fantasy-? yeah no, they have their claws embedded deep.

Meanwhile in the domain of the Dark Lord itself - they’re doing this nonsense -

I will agree that Blizzard should have made Classic a thing sooner. However, to say “This private server had vanilla running, just use their code” I think is unreasonable.

You can’t expect a homebuilt emulator to just be plugged into the Blizzard network, flip on the switch and have it running without any issues. Heck, just running a 12 year old program on your computer can be troublesome by itself. So I’ll believe Blizzard on this matter when they say making Classic compatible with modern day software and -hardware as well as ironing out legacy bugs takes time.

Relevant video:

This was a bug which has been fixed.

It was a “bug” when they realised they had done a perhaps, you know, reprehensible action that in no normal environment would be considered a reasonable business practice and is likely -illegal- in some areas.

“Oh the cash-cows are in revolt? Just say it was a bug and give that sweet Big Brand™ corporate smile.” :slightly_smiling_face:

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To be fair on Blizz, they can’t just ignore Nostalrius. They’re still infringing on copyright, which is a crime. In America you risk losing the rights if you don’t defend them iirc.

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The thought had crossed my mind. They still fixed it.

Pretty much this. I get the feeling they’re “doing an EA” by seeing what they can get away with before people push back…

That’s all EA were doing with the Battlefront 2 stuff… Seeing how much they could take the piss, then when people kick off they reign it in just enough to stop the hate train and sit back watching the money roll in and the showers of praise from thier shills in the media.

Me peeve. People who act like forum moderators.
The “There’s already a thread on this” or “why is this here” people. Like, bro… Why do you care so much?
No one is forcing to the click on and reply to every thread on the forum and there are people who literally get paid to remove stuff if it’s in the wrong place or whatever, so crawl out of your own bum for a moment and think about what you’re actually doing.


“Birds are public animals of capitalism” made me laugh really hard.
Peeve: I’ve not yet met a single PvPer in this game yet that wasn’t a toxic whiny douchebag bordering on sociopathy.


It’s not that it’s bugged that male orcs don’t use their offhand attack animation when dual wielding.

It’s just that they literally don’t have one, it’s just copypasted one of the mainhand animations.


Me and my luck regarding trips. Every time I’m going anywhere I always have to wait for a long period of time for my ride… As in hours ffs. Ughhh…

Here’s a pet peeve, reporting someone whipes my entire damn chat history.

Blizz, if I’m in the middle of conversation and I report someone that spams /yells, I don’t want to lose track of said conversation. I have no idea why you’d think this is what anyone wants, because it absolutely isn’t.

Is y’alls product so flawed that you can’t only filter out that which was said by the offending individual?


I took a day off work to wait for a parcel delivery yesterday. Suddenly around noon the Track & Trace status is changed in “delivery delayed for 1-2 days”, so I go “oh well…” and pull out the hoover to clean my apartment.

When I’m finished I see the status has changed again. Into “receiving party not present, another attempt will be made next day”. I rush downstairs, look into my mailbox, and yep, there’s a yellow note. Didn’t hear the doorbell because of the hoover.

Today it’s delayed once more (I’ll stay home just to be sure but I have this feeling it’s legit this time) and Monday I have an appointment and I already know they’re going to be here right at that time.


That or they just never rang in the first place. Where I live we’ve got some horrible delivery bois.

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Worse is when it freaking disconnects you

Same where I live. If they do ring they wait like 2 seconds before they scurry off. So many times I’ve caught them leaving my front yard as I get to the door when answering within 5 seconds of it ringing. Usually have an old man rant at them for good measure.

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People having ‘Former/Ex-’ in their titles… THAT’S HISTORY YA POOL NOODLE! NOT YOUR CURRENT TITLE!
Well that and just people with way too many titles to begin with… Leave something for people to discover mate, geez.


[Husband | Tattoo Artist | Father| Had A Sandwhich For Breakfast | Dragon Slayer]