Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

So I decided to make a quick recording of me versus a Target Skellington in ESO, posted it on the forums with a bit of a… Admitively a comment expressing mild to great contempt. It got deleted and I got a “You have been warned” message from a moderator (Which makes me wish I could say “Your warning has been noted and is ignored” reply, but I doubt that would be a good idea).

I am not sure which forum is more trigger-happy: ESO as it seems that you can’t say anything more critical beyond “ESO is a videogame” or anything even mildly saucy, while recently I git put on ice for a really dumb reason on the WoW forums.

Though both have something in common: They’re really damn inconsistent.

Edit: If anyone is interested in watching what is apparently a “Sucky player sucking versus a skellington”, feel free to let me know and I’ll leave a link here

I like it when they’re all Dragon Killer / Slayer of Dragons / Veteran of Dragon Wars / Dragon Destroyer. Okay, we get it.

Or the wildly contradictory ones Ruthless Criminal / Lawbreaker but personality cues indicate this person is actually hugely kind and moral “in the right situation”. It’s a rehash of the whole “I’m good, but if you make me angry or hurt my loved ones” trope where it’s used as a legitimate means to display occasionally psychopathic traits in a Normie.

Nothing wrong with having a one dimensional character who really is -just- kind, and as such meets violence with kindness, or doesn’t know how to react rather than becoming something contrary to what their entire TRP suggests just because some random called them a muffinhead

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I think that I just aged by six years just reading that.

I don’t understand why this one is so popular. Is it a lowkey fetish play? But yes, marital status and fatherhood isn’t a title, nor is something you used to be. I guess I can give ex-smoker a pass if your character is constantly irate and edgy.

Consider people can’t have tattoos in-game I guess this means it’s just another word for unemployed :^)

For real though, the profession of tattoo artist doesn’t really fit into the world of warcraft universe since tattoos are usually of cultural importance and would be done by a ‘wiseman’/‘cultural person’ or something… or they tend to lean towards the early tattooing of the world where the highest performance was a woman on your arm, though most people tend to act like we have modern means of tattooing within the game… Being a tattoo artist means you put anchors on sailors or skulls on pirates, that’s really it.

I usually just assume it’s because edgy teenagers think tattoos are cool. But then I get told the player in question is in their 30s or something and I don’t understand anything anymore.

They most likely saw an episode of ‘Miami Ink’ and thought those guys were the coolest cats in the drawer.


Professional piercing and tattoo artist.

Personally yea, I don’t think there’s… professional piercing and tat artists in WoW. Doesn’t seem… right. I imagine piercings are more “I FANCY POKING MYSELF! stab” rather than going to a parlor / someone and asking for it unless it was someone who did it for some reason or other.

I would assume such things are taught to the barber… That dude can do anything.

Why aren’t there more people RP’ing as barbers?

As i’ve stated before, physical things of note on their at first glance, similarly, these belong to PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION and the main page’s extra slots like physiognomy, tattoos, etc.

Unless it’s something of particular note, something important and not easily ignored, like, this guy’s fooken eyes are glowing crimson, don’t put it there

Virgin “Psychopath” normie:
Plays a crappy Joker/Harley Quinn Knock off
Doesn’t show any traits of being a psychopath
plays “Dark” and “Gritty” Character
Special Yellow Snowflake
RP is normally stale and involves sitting in parks and talking about the past
Only wears Dark colours because darkness is cool.

The real question is, why does everyone want to play a “Psychopath”?


Because it makes them “cool”. Which is weird. Nothing cool about being psychotic.

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I also saw some blood elf with the title of cannibal in Orgrimmar, she had a bloody muzzle on so she doesn’t bite people.

No, buddy, that -thing- would be imprisoned or executed, not given a stupid muzzle!

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Why choose Blood Elf if you want to be a cannibal? We have Trolls (and I guess the Laughing skull/bleeding hollow) for that (all though its still technically illegal since Thrall outlawed it.)


Trolls and Orcs aren’t as pretty.


Blood elves aren’t pretty either, they Look so thin that they probably only eat a single piece of sweet corn a month.

When is an angry Orcish woman going to throw me around before finally crushing my skull with her thighs like a watermelon?

I don’t ask for much, just this.


Lots of cannibals hanging out Alliance side as well… Even part of ‘supposedly’ morally good guilds.


I don’t know, at least having seen their forums/been browsing for some time (mR. wORLDwIDE). There was a genuine issue of drama and people being in complete uproar about how offensive certain environments are and, man, why can’t you just not exist?

Criticism? Offensive.
Different opinion? Offensive.
Actual fact? Offensive.

Obviously there were people in disagreement, & the US is as big as Europe so clumping everyone together is a bad idea. But when it comes down to generalisation?

It’s a culture of :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: mass censorship.

This is where my characters age comes in useful, hard of hearing always kicks in when someone goes on an edgey monologue. The effect is dampened if they have to repeat it. That or disarming elderly remarks like “that’s good to hear, you can never have enough exercise. Mind you in my day we did less involving this while violence thing, which reminds me of a Hozen I used to know…”

I should have words with blizzard over tortollans. I was playing this guy as senile type obsessed with scrolls, stories and writing before it was cool.

Second day: I still actively dislike the Alliance war campaign. At least it’s finished, and I will never have to do it again.

For tattoos: people like them, I see no problems with that. It’s an expression artistic after all, and you see a few races who appears to have a culture around this. (Night elves, Nightbornes, Dark Iron, Lightforged, some Orcs clans, Blood elves if artworks are to be believed, etc.)

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