Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

My main device for getting out of their monologues is doing something absurd. They always get freaked out by me and run. it’s the funniest thing on the planet.

Haha. I mean, aside from being a possibly unhinged troll hermit, we should hang.

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I recall encountering a Blood Elf that had some muzzle on her. I have no idea why a Blood Elf and not a Troll (Probably because “Muh sexy maneater”), or why is she kept around at all. Roleplayers are strange at times…

The Chad Regular Character
Has a colorful personality that can be related to
Wears clothing appropriate for the character/has a bit of variety to it
Doesn’t pretend to be a phychopath
Roleplay tends to have something going on with it that doesn’t leave a stale taste in one’s taste buds.

19 days clean and I still get grouchy and aggro. Can confirm, people can -tell- when you have given up smoking :smiley:

I have a character who is a tattoo artist, but its not his major feature, He just happens to have Inscription and I thought that working in flesh, not paper would be a nice touch, but then he is a Troll, and its not his ‘thing’, He’s a Witch Doctor, so yeah, I don’t use it as a title on his TRP, but it is a ‘thing’ he does.

That is precisely the reasoning I was going for with my Janda’zin. Its part of his role as a Witch Doctor, not just a job, but a cultural thing.

Yeah…that’s…not a thing any sane society would allow. I mean, yeah, I get it, there is a certain ‘vampiric’ thing with Blood Elves and mana draining, but seriously, if -that- was a big enough thing to cause a schism that is now deadly rivalry between Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei then having someone around who wants to take a bite out of Aunt Dorisielle or whatever, is going to result in an execution…

Oh please, don’t open this can of worms.

They’re the copyright holders. It’s completely up to them how they deal with people using their stuff.

Nobody held Activision Blizzard at gunpoint and forced them to issue a takedown notice to Nostalrius, just like nobody is forcing them to demand removal of all fanfiction, fanart, or other kind of derivative works. They technically have the right to demand takedown of, say, Argent Archives — but just because they can doesn’t mean they should.


God I wish that were me :weary:


What a way to go :eyes:

Tattoo artists are fine, we’ve just teamed up with Kul Tiras, which is full of sailors and sailors lover their tattoos no?

The only way to go. :smirk:


you’ll be safe after another 19 days, the grouchiness wears off by then.

i quit cold turkey about 4 years ago. it was hard. one of the hardest things i ever did but proud i did it. congrats on kicking the habbit.

peeve; due to my surgery i can no longer enjoy those ice cold ones. or anything with fizz in it. it’s borderline painful.

A friend of mine can no longer tolerate alcohol or drink caffeine due to surgery. While I’m not a fan of coffee, the thought of going without any caffeine at all is… not fun.

Just got to 120 on my human.

The thought of trying to grind 7th legion rep has put a knot in my stomach.


7th Legion Rep is easier than ever to farm. You’ll get through it rather fast if you just do warfronts and emissary.

Haven’t i got to gear up to do Warfronts?

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Patrolling a zone doesn’t require item level, only the instanced version does and you only need 320 gear, which you can get rather quickly with just a combo of professions or world quests.

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I can relate with that. I finally buckled down and got an Alliance character to 120, and did the reputation grind. It actually was surprisingly timely done.

Now if only Kul’tirans were as easily done…

By the way, since I know people on this forum hate me (Well, maybe not hate, but apparently people find me annoying), and since I am probably breaking down with a fever as I am in a cold room, undressed and feeling really hot, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to link a video that active ESO PvE players will be able to get a larf out of, depending what kind of person they are.

I present to you a 12kDPS-dealing Dunmer Fire Mage versus a skellington. Enjoy.

What’s even more amusing, is when I linked this video, a moderator on the ESO forums deleted the thread and issued a warning. So no, I doubt I should post it there.

I wouldn’t worry really, dude. If people are committed enough to actively dislike someone who makes the occasional dumb post on an internet forum for a game where we all pretend to be magical heroes, they have bigger concerns.

You don’t try to ruin anyone’s RP or play-time, so who cares :man_shrugging:


So, Alliance has neither warfront ATM? I thought the idea was the Horde has one and the Alliance has the other?

Not always, Alliance is currently contributing, so it’ll be up very soon.

If the bar fills before Wednesday that means no season 2 ilvls for Alliance warfront until the next cycle.