Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

It’s gonna fill before Wednesday, believe it. Blizzard will make it so.

I regret making a Dark Iron Dwarf… Monk.

I insulted the whole Pandaren community by playing Monk on any other race than a Panda… I shall commit race change once I hit max level.


DI monk doesn’t feel right.
Unless you’re BM ofc.

KT monk, though…

Sharpens blades

Seems like us Yellow vests needs to sharpen the guillotine for more than just Macron’s head.

I mean KT got a racial to punch someone.

Nah, they’re from BIC.

Edit : I saw the Gillette comment.

What Gillette comment?

You’ve lost all of your honor Frostbinder. Go back to your Lite version of the Lich King AKA the Horde Warchief.

I still haven’t seen the Gillette commercial, so I feel like I’m missing out on all the fuss.

Some crappy one about “Being a better man” which is a nice message, but they half-assed it so it doesn’t address the problem correctly.

also Gillette 's Father Company uses child labour and slave labour so they really shouldn’t be the ones to talk about “being a better man”.

I am confused, but you shouldn’t talk about honor when you skulk about in the shadows and your faction leader temporally left the Horde to make out with a member of the Alliance.

Ji is a leader?

What, do you follow that ghosty dude Shaohao or something?

I don’t consider “Angry old man Taran Zhu” to be a leader of anything… Especially after he got his stupid foot stuck in a bridge when the guy is literally OP in books and pleasant but annoying af in the game.

That was interesting to watch. You have valkyn skoria and BSW (5 piece makes a difference) so at least your gear is pretty much solidified (would never recommend anyone uses spider cultist unless they’re desperate) which is good, and a nice benefit of ESO (e.g, lateral instead of linear progression). Animation cancelling is really an unfortunate side effect of ZOS’ lack of care, alas it remains much to the chagrin of most players.

Also have you seen the upcoming racial updates? Seeing as you’re a dunmer say goodbye to the fire damage bonus .

I… never asked about him.

Ah sorry, my brain stopped at Ghosty dude so I thought you meant Shado Pan Taran Zhu.

I mean, he’s still alive.

Curious. That was a reaction I did not expect. Especially considering how contempt-filled the title is, and the ending has me type out a /rude emote.

I actually find this to be the worst thing ever. Instead of just getting good gear that has better stats over another piece of gear, you have to keep an eye out for specific pieces of gear, and more often than not it seems to be a case that to get benefits from one set or another, you’d have to wear armor type pieces different from your main armor type. It’s stupid.

Playing piano on a keyboard is something that I am rather peeved about.

I have indeed seen the changes, and I am not sure what to feel about it. Although it does seem that Dunmers still get Spell Power benefits, so I guess it’s not that bad? Although the 7% fire damage increase is gonna be missed.

Anyways, that I can’t solo Blood Infusion.
If any resto shaman’s there, your help alone is enough.