Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Peeve: Getting a forum suspension because of over zealous forum moderator wannabes.
Then having that suspension immediately overturned the second I query it.

Apparently posting “heck” is fine but some people think changing the E to a * counts as trying to circumvent the language filter…

Wow, really? h*ck…

As in light/medium/heavy? Or racial style? I assume it’s the former and in that case most setups are 5/5/2, so your monster set for head/shoulders are often different armour types (because non-craftable sets are fixed to an armour type) with your five piece ‘armour’ set being a same set and therefore same armour type, and then another set being jewellery/weapons (I ran VoM so many bloody times for a worm cult lightning staff for my healer).

I’ll admit it can be a pain, especially farming a monster set and weapons/jewellery, but once you have it, you pretty much have it for the foreseeable future (meta doesn’t change too often; there’s always a ‘pool’ of armour sets for builds to draw from).

Enjoy your forum ban tough guy :sunglasses:


I’m sorry but this is a Christian forum. You have been warned!

I feel absolutely horrified by your threat.

I got a suspension for saying the Bladewind Clan R-worded draenei to create orc/draenei hybrids.

While multiple source outright state it as the r-worded.

So don’t type the R-word out, or you’ll be banned for reffering to violent snacksual content.

Did you contest the suspension tho?

The auto moderation probably makes more work than it solves.

Can’t believe I got a suspension for expressing my admiration for the Queen of Nazjatar. I regret nothing; Azshara a good girl.

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Yeah, and I got an answer around an hour ago and they told me the suspension was “until 18:00”… weird that I got a… what 2 hour suspension?

I am more concerned about that fact that suspensions are apparently accumalitive or something, I mean this is my second suspension already…


Maybe you’re getting stalked by a bunch of players. I suspect suspensions to be automatic, and only later “reviewed”, similar to the in-game reports work.

I don’t think so, honestly.

I mean sure there are some people that… do not think highly of me, but I prefer to think they are better than to be so… low?

You’d be naive to think nobody around’s like that.

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In truest sense of the word, Azshara is best girl :squid:



Oh, I know there are people like that, I just like to think my “enemies” are better then that :<

Rather than ask yourself “Would my enemies do this?”,
ask yourself “Would the people that do have any reason, ever so far-fetched, to dislike me?”

I want azshara to bully me.


Uuuuh, I guess the people that dislike me might feel entirelly justified to report me, I guess.

Also, since this is my second suspension, does this mean that I will never be able to post links on Chin… I mean Blizzard’s social credit forums?

Not sure, think you need like 5 suspensions on forums or one in-game one.
No quoting me on this.