Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Websites with autoplaying videos.

“Turn your ad blocker off” popups.

General bloat of modern websites. All that extra JavaScript makes them slower to load with modern connection speeds than 2000s websites with 2000s connection speeds.


Drives me up the walls, this one.

At least the little text bits with “I see you have an adblocker, do consider whitelisting our site because yadda yadda” where the ads are placed didn’t go out of their way to halt my browsing, and didn’t bloat the site with unnecessary nonsense.

Alas, poor Yorick! We are meant to suffer :c

Nothing wrong with Flaming Goose! They’re good people, and if there are people looking to raid, then it’s definitely a guild I’d recommend.

However my own interests in WoW strongly shifted from PvE to RP, and I felt like it was better if I didn’t hang out on the roster during raids like ”Yeah soz, roleplaying, can’t come!”. Been decking out guildless for… jebus, I don’t even know how long now. Maybe even two months?

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I guess your impressions differ from mine, seeing as I departed on a sour note.

Though to be fair, I am mainly playing on Defias Brotherhood so it’s not a major tragedy all 'round.

Anyway, here is my peeve: I am miffed at the climate. Currently walking around outside, I live in a mountainous region, and instead of feeling really cold, I feel only a mild chill.

I am currently cooking under my jacket.

a few people have complained about my rp being ‘too complicated’, or for those who wouldnt give me such credit ‘elitist’, so im obviously biased in this

Where’s the problem? If they pick you apart, then maybe try getting picked apart—RP isn’t about being OOC objectively correct. Maybe your character isn’t meant to make sense and their bigotry begins to show before others. Maybe your character never thought about those things and suddenly they’re faced with hard-hitting questions. Edit: Or maybe, you have an actually fleshed-out character who can explain their ideologies and reasoning.

And this is coming from someone who loathes peaceful RP.

And to expand on my point with the above, damn is it annoying and bland when people interact for the sake of having an IC echo chamber. I’ve seen people who treat IC disagreements as ‘drama’. I remember, once upon a time, you could engage in a verbal battle with others varying on your characters’ views. It was interesting. It gave progress. It didn’t fulfil my original intent for certain characters and they turned into something opposite of what they were.

Take Valethion for example, arguably my RP main for many years. From being talked down about his purist views, to talking others down about their hopes for peace—quoting people he once disagreed with. From being generous, to getting cursed by Hokima for his traitorous, deceitful nature.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding something,

but you seem to imply that [unexpected/unplanned] conflict in RP isn’t at all enjoyable. Something which, in writing and thus by extension RP, is objectively wrong.

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I get what you mean about “Trying to be picked apart” for the sake of it, or whatever, and yeah, sure. RP is RP I am very well aware.

The problem for me arises when it seems the questions are there to push their own OOC views on my character, which I do not enjoy.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone, where they question everything? Literally everything.
The kind of person who keeps asking til you’re out of answers.

Now see, I am not a person who can just keep answering everything when this starts happening as “Why do you do this and that?” Because of these reasons.
“Why?” Because of this.
“And why that?”.
And on and on they go. Eventually you just have nothing more to say.

That is what I specifically meant.


Are they RPing a three year old child?

No. No, they are not.

Why will it not allow me to just post “No.” as a simple answer to that.

I see what you mean, yeah. I suppose that it varies on who you encounter, since I have had experiences where my character’s actions or thoughts are questioned constantly. I’m pretty much always eager to jump on the opportunity that presents and show their thought process, but it’s fairly obvious when someone only does it because they think their OOC way of seeing things is right.

It’s been a while since someone I don’t frequently RP with tried to get to know a character—you know, invest time into understanding motives and philosophy/ideology—instead of making sarcastic jab-questions.

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Yes, same here. I do have a lot of pleasant RP experiences, but it seems when it comes to “taking an interest”, and ask to spark conversation, the majority of mine, on my warrior at the very least, always seem to be these back-handed OOC questions, instead of actual RP.

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In Krasarang, Horde are helping Anduin.
Why? I get that we might have bigger trouble on our hands to bother capturing him -right now-, but helping him?

Some of the Pandaren quotes are annoying.
“May the Red Crane live forever in your heart.” -Yeah, care to find a way to say “Goodbye” even longer? “Behold the wonders of Pandaria” and similar, how are those ways to greet people?

Orc shoulderpads are too high up, floating over their shoulders.
Shoulderpads in general are terrible, often too large and with a tendency to clip with the character’s head. Same with weapons, they’re often too large. And what’s this fetish Blizzard has with giving us chipped and tarnished weaponry?

All of this drama unfolding on this server, I don’t care for the reason, I get that there’s some bad stuff going on in a guild, but it’s like every week, there’s more drama to be found on this server than there is in real life politics.


Why not? It’s not like he wanted the Horde any ill.

Spoken like a pandaren.

Peeve. The pointless annual debate over the use of the word f----t in the Pogues Fairytale of New York. For those of you not in the know, back in the day in Liverpool and parts of Ireland f----t was a slang word for a lazy person. It’s also the name of a lovely meatball and gravy dish.

Also the name for a bundle of kindling.

People being oversensitive over words, if we didn’t censor them, they’d lose their more extreme vibe, and fall into nothingness.
Unfortunately, today, being oversensitive seems to be the cool thing to do.

I’ve generally found that online, acting like nothing matters and deliberately going out of your way to troll people tends to be the cool thing to do. Argent Dawn is a great example of that.

That said, I also think the Fairytale of New York thing is blown out of proportion. A few people go way OTT saying it should be banned and are the ones that the “omg PC police!!” people latch on to, when there are more reasonable people who basically say “Yeah, that’s not the way the word was intended in the song, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not how most people understand it these days.” It’s also worth noting that you get people who think it’s hilarious to use it as an excuse to shout the word at the top of their lungs whenever that part of the song comes on, taking it as an excuse.

That said, it’s still my favourite Christmas song.

EDIT: Want to note that the first two sentences weren’t aimed at the people in this thread, just in general.


I have the biggest g-darn peeve about this. I worked in retail a couple years ago and the company i worked for removed the ENTIRE verse with the word in it, cutting the song in half. I love Fairytale of New York, it’s literally the one and only christmas song i listen to, and it was butchered because “muh societys feelings”. A word only holds as much power as the person saying it. A single lyric in a reknowned christmas song isn’t like someone on a box with a megaphone bashing Disco David in his rainbow short-shorts.

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I will say as well that the general lack of empathy you encounter online really does suck.

To use AD as an example again, the massive amount of circle-jerking around certain guilds and the mass bullying, stalking that occurs because certain players don’t get along has become kind of depressing to see. It’s kind of lowered the quality of RP as well because these people seem to rise to the top as it’s the “cool” thing to do without any regard for whether they’re good RPers are not, so you get a bunch of edgy, cringe-worthy nonsense being lauded as brilliant while most of the actual good stuff, while it does exist, is much more difficult to find.

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