Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

It’s not inconsistency. Jaina would just much rather sacrifice Alliance ships (presumably with more non-human crewmembers) on them than her own, fully Kul Tiran-staffed vessels.


The fact Alliance got the Darkshore warfront now, rather than after the new raid hits. Doesn’t this mean we’ll be getting season 1 rewards rather than the better, season 2 ones until the next time we get the warfront?

Yeah, I’m calling bs on that statement. We have Golden on record how Thrall was a perfect Warchief because he was not an orc that oozed toxic masculinity, and those who did were killed off or made irrelevant.

That’s my pet peeve of the day: This braindead culture war against masculinity. Give me a toxic masculine warchief or Alliance warmonger like Orgrim, Blackhand, Garrosh or Varian any time, any day over what we have right now.


Yes. Alliance missed season 2 ilevel gear from warfront by about 12 hours.

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You must be kidding me. The Horde bias is real, bad Blizzard!

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I don’t see why people dislike Talanji, she isn’t as annoying as Tyrande, She isn’t as stupidly overpowered as Jaina (Or boring for that matter) and she isn’t as depressing as Sylvanas.


Alliance started with the darkshore warfront and they ended with it meaning they had mroe chances at titanforgeable 385 gear than the Horde did. Alliance bias!

But really we should be uniting in the fact that the US is getting their darkshore warfront after the S2 date, so they get 400 ilevel loot before the EU. So it’s really US bias.

Down with America.

Talanji is bland and she replaced a character who has had buildup since vanilla with far more character and charisma. People were hyped for God-King Rastakhan showing up. Him being replaced by Talanji is viewed by many, including myself, as a waste of a character. And that dislike passes onto Talanji since she’s his replacement.

Though Talanji telling Sylvanas that they’re equals is a good start to redeeming her.


No she isn’t, she has plenty of Character, She is an optimistic young leader who risks her own safety for her people (as shown in Nazmir.) If you want Bland just look at the Alliance Roster of characters, half of them are the same character copy and pasted.

I think what you mean is she has a personality you dislike.

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But you literally just described Anduin’s character…


Yeah, the two are similar, but that isn’t a problem, since they are on opposing sides so they don’t interact and its less confusing to mix up the two(Unless you some how confuse a human male with a troll Female, in which case go see a doctor about your eyesight.) second quote wasn’t about Anduin, it’s about Genn, Halford and Shaw. “I’m angry at Horde, Horde must die” seems to be what 60% of the male Humans are like this Expac.

I am assuming Jaina was just conserving mana in the cinematic. She knew there would be a real mess ahead.


What, she doesn’t know how to cast Evocation?


She bought a class boost for BfA.



Also has a Jaina bodypillow

Nothing would honestly give me more relief than seeing someone taking a giant crap on the Blizzard storytellers during a Q&A or other public event to shame them publicly.


Only Arcane mages have Evocation, she is Frost.

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She has a ship full of arcane cannons that beg to differ.

The red shirt guy at the last Blizzcon really spoiled us

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And Yrel ended up getting both shafted and crazy.

She’s a frost mage, you silly.

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And to top that off they sacrificed Maraad for her. Maraad was so cool.