People who try to make everything about them. Especially on the forums. ERP threads bring out the worst.
Bethesda making one misstake after another & never seeming to stop. Are they activly trying to go out of buisness?
First it was all the problems 76 had both before & after launch. Then the duffel bag scam. Then the aftermath of the Duffelbag. And now they basically doxxed people asking for refunds/bag replacements. And again responded to this poorly.
Second peeve: Doctor Who isnt getting a christmas special this year( & possibly never again) cus reasons. Instead it’s new years eve, which doesn’t feel the same, atleast not currently.
EA is screwing up too, and Activision Blizzard comes second, right after Bethesda and before EA
It’s a very bad year
But an interesting one, I wonder who will screw up next. How low will ATVI’s stock price drop? Will it go under the half of the year-high mark? It almost has, so close…
My pet peeve is my 4G not working today, so I can’t reply to anything on Discord until I get home, because work WiFi has a grudge against it
I wonder why this all is coming down in roughly the same period. Why now in 2018?
Apparently the O2 network is down, so at least I’m not the only one suffering.
This is actually a very interesting question. Though to be honest, every year there is an ongoing controversy going on in the game industry. 2016/2017 was the year of the lootbox, and there was probably also a year where day-one DLC was the norm, or the season pass and the what have you. Stuff that is still there of course, but is rather overshadowed by this year being “The Year of the glorious PR screwup”, starting to be extremely apparent with Soderland boldly stating “Don’t like us forcing gender equality and rewriting history to include badass women doing badass things? Well suck 2 be u, don’t buy den”, and with the recent situation being Bethesda unintentionally leaking people’s personal information.
Unfortunately they seem to be going back up now. The lowest point seems to have been 46.17$, and now it’s up to… Close to 47$. You’re supposed to go down, not up, stupid stock price!
Oh, I also have a peeve: The Diablo 3 Switch competition. It’s ridiculous.
Personally, I thought it’d be a fun idea to troll the competition a bit, take a clever picture of myself in the store with a Diablo 3 Switch case, and upload it. Now I actually want to hope and get to be the winner.
Unfortunately there seems to be some fairly stiff competition, from pictures of cats with the Switch in paw, and one that had a fairly high vote count, of someone crudely drawing the Switch handheld thingofajig, and a picture of gameplay in between.
And here I was hoping I’d be clever…
The new forum has a very neat feature that I plan to make plenty use of;
You can now mute threads so they don’t show up for you. Ever.
My bf loves The Witcher games and I love watching him play and go on about it. So it peeves me how absolutely crappily the casting for the show seems to be going. I haaaaaaate when races are changed to seemingly suit someone’s SJW agenda.
Well… It certainly is a bit of a clustertruck how it’s going. But it’s Netflix, it seems to be having a habit of doing some fairly questionable things. The only good things I found off of it have been… BoJack Horseman, Disenchantment and… I guess Paradise PD for a one-night stand? Basically three cartoons.
I didn’t think I’d hear anyone say this. Outside of seeing passionate Witcher Fans being disgruntled, I’ve seen people saying “Eh, who cares” because they aren’t that interested or have any artistic foresight, or just going “U racist meanie” at people who are critical of it all.
Personally? Stick to the original identity of characters, and don’t try to rewrite it to fit some kind of agenda. Battlefield 5 is already doing that, and people don’t like it too much.
edit: Lately I feel like the writing part of my brain has been slacking. I just re-read a part of my post, and I had to ask myself “Am I turning in to Yoda or something?”.
I think I am just getting old.
But then how will you voice how stupid you think it and the OP are, Rog?
Current peeve: Re-doing the WoD intro and I can’t help but feel like quitting the game because whoever made this clearly had a negative amount of intelligence.
Sure, let’s free these three leaders of the Shadow Council instead of putting an axe through their skull while they’re incapacitated. And I hate talking to a human as an orc, Yrel is a f cking piece of crap. The “lip-synching” when one of the warlords gets introduced is… well, it’s not lip-synching. All of this just feels so forced.
New peeve: Quoted the wrong guy…
With the deafening silence of not giving them the time of day and not paying any attention to it.
But where’s the fun in that?
But where’s the fun in that?
The fun is all the engaging roleplay and relevant posts I get to focus on instead!
I suspect its not entirelly SJW agenda’s, I suspect given how blindingly stupid it is sometimes, that its a money thing.
If your cast is diverse you pay less tax, or can apply for some sort of government grant, some crap like that, is my guess.
A really neat feature is threads you’ve commented on appearing under the final message of the current one, and clicking on the number of new comments bringing you directly to the oldest new comment.