Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Oi, you tom tit tea leaf, you’ve set your plates of meat on the wrong frog 'n toad.
hand over your bees and honey for telling me how to use my north and south.
Before i daisy root you in the boat race till you’re brown bread, china.


That we still haven’t changed the Hordes theme to this yet:

It is a Song that truly sums us up as strong manly men.


Regionlocked videos. They stink.

You know what else stinks? I got a Mag’har Orc to 110 and I don’t feel a sense of prise and accomplishment with my Heritage armor.

I was promised pride and accomishment and I don’t have it. I think this warrants me suing Blizzard.


No pride to be had when the Horde is lead by a psychopath without a moral code.


Isn’t that true for at least half the warchiefs since the dark portal opened?

Perhaps, but I think people are gonna be more annoyed when a faction goes past the whole “Kill all Humans” part and take on races other than Orcs and have a more diplomatic approach, only to jojo back to the whole “Kill all Humans”, with an added bonus of “And also resurrect everything, be it Horde or Alliance”.

More annoyed with what they did to Garrosh in MoP, before that he was more of a “Kill the Alliance, but let’s not go insane and kill defenseless citizens.”

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No peace.

Only war.

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In life, war.
In death, peace
In life, shame.
In death, atonement.

Also the lack of full-face covering helmets for mail wearers… there are only a hand full that are decent

You’re giving me those DA grey warden vibes, Sindri.

“In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice.”


Made a cat toy out of sweet wrappers. While the cat is playing with it he knocks it under the sofa and neither of us can get it.

Dammit cat!

EDIT: He’s now sat looking under the sofa crying.

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Be happy the Mag’har armour has colour variations on it. Velf? Nope. LF Draenei? Nope. I’m pretty certain they are the only allied race that can wear different tones of their heritage armour, they get at least three variants from what I’ve seen.

There were datamined purple sets for LFD weren’t there? same with red sets for NB

He was converted before our very own eyes!

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Got to go have an Ultrasound on my hand tomorrow.

At the hospital that is a pain in the backside to get to.

I’m still sure they had 12 different people writing for him and that none of them ever bothered communicating. Never a fan of him in any true sense but he was a completely wasted character and viewpoint.

Peeve: it’s not the 11th. Want to level my mag’har but there’s no point till the XP changes kick in. Well, no motivation rather.

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You mean…12th?

Because… EU?

Side note: Is there anywhere I can check the changes to XP gains?

Best bet should be Wowhead most likely. Use the search bar to for “XP Changes Bfa” or something on those lines

Well… sh!t.

Found it with two clicks.


-40% according to Wowhead. Hmm…

That’s quite a considerable amount actually. And that’s all the way to Cata/MoP era, where it’s cut by -25%, which is fine, I suppose. The vanilla -> Cata was the most unbearable for me atleast.