Pet Peeve #INFINITY - Thanos gonna cry

Being unable to mog the chest I want on my Alt because they’re not 98.

Who f*cking cares Blizz? It’s a transmog

Additional peeve, no swears allowed on my christian board. Because apparently the old way of just censoring the words isn’t PC enough

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I’m not sure but aren’t “yeesh” “sheesh” derived from “Jeez” and therefore derived from Jesus, and therefore doesn’t make any sense as a word/expression in the Warcraft universe?

Yeah but there are a LOT of words with etymology deriving from things that don’t exist in WoW.

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Well they are PETTY peeves, after all

Speaking of: These threads were made for petty peeves, but we’ve all mentioned some pretty substantial peeves, if we make a megathread, can we just call them Peeves? Clearly not all are as petty

lack of lore on trivial matters that might be important to RP, City and rural life, customs, cultural phenomenons (such as om’riggor and name day).


That WoW doesn’t have different day/month names like TES

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It would be nice to have more detail clarified.

A short while back I and Chyou’ka delved into pandaria lore and determined that there is a trend (not a rule, mind you) and history of patriarchal rule in pandaren society, ranging from village mayors all the way up to emperors.

Is it a coincidence that all the village mayors, the lord of the shado-pan, the leader of the tillers, the temple keepers (except, probably not coincidentally, the Jade temple) and so on are all male? Is it a coincidence that marriage seems to require first asking three male conspiciously named ‘pandriarchs’ of the woman’s family for permission?

We don’t know so we have to extrapolate. And the problem with having to extrapolate is that it can result in disagreements.


Is this why all female pandaren are lesbian; the counter-culture?

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Projecting human behaviour patterns/basic desires etc etc on non-human races :stuck_out_tongue:

Thinking of rerolling my void elf rogue, but dunno into what.

I’m thinking about it because I have decided to focus on my night elf rogue instead + one of my Zandalari is going to be a rogue.

basically I have too many rogues now!

Can’t stand tortollans… From their annoying WQs to the questing with them in Nazmir. They should have stayed a bloody card in HS.

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I’m so tired of being so tired that I can’t even play video games properly :frowning:

It’s more this game being so boring and dull that it’s literally mind-numbing


I can’t fall asleep. Help.

this is my sleeping jam.

You can get it as an app for your phone too. :+1:

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Pet peeve: the looming threat of a TRP wipe with every new patch :cry:

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Just make a copy of you WTF file in the TRP addon just in case.

TRP wipes never happened to me, not even once yet I keep hearing people having theirs wipe for some reason.

2v2s. Maybe I’m just bad. I can’t seem to get out of 1.4k on my shaman whatsoever; I stagnate up towards 1460, then drop back down to 1390, then back up again. Playing resto it’s like, getting my head around 9/10 totems, kiting, healing, purging, and hexxing. It feels like the most obnoxiously difficult healer class even with all my keybindings.

I just want to get to 1.6k. Is that so much to ask? I don’t want to do another 200 games …

Daily peeve: I HATE being spoonfed rep like this. I get less rep per day (unless Emissary is on) than I got in ANY other expansion before Legion for a LOT more effort put.

Just slap 1 rep per mob in the zones and let me grind it out. I never thought I’d say this but: I sooooooo miss WoD reps.