I can relate to this so much… Only i am in a worse position because I got to around 1000 or so rating and just gave up, because I don’t have anyone to play with (I do have a bunch of people in my friends list, but I never talk to them or they’re not interested in PvP), and I feel like my hair is slowly becoming Dante hair because of it.
Honestly, I think the only way one can really get in to PvP is if they’re playing a Healer. Unfortunately, it’s a really thankless occupation, and even if you try your darnest to keep yourself and your teammate alive, if the enemy is able to utilize interrupts and CC to their fullest, you’re probably gonna have a very bad time, and get all the blame.
All I’d like to do is do PvP on the Horde side, with folks i can rely on. Is that so much to ask?
Wanna farm rep only by doing crap WQs for 75 rep each and the occasional 100 token reward? Go for it…
However there should also be a grind put in place for people who just hate WQs or would like to have some control over their own progression. They could easily slap a 10-20-50 rep for elite mobs somewhere in each zone. Problem solved.
In legion rep grind was fun since you could save up those account bind tokens… But fun is not allowed in this game anymore… Remember in WoD when people could make a raid group to attack the mobs roaming the pit in Gorgrond for laughing skull rep? I sure do since that was quickly removed.
If only they could make fun grinding like in 5.2 that’d be heaven.
I want to be able to earn rep at my pace. If I spend six hours grinding rep, then so be it, that’s my choice. Don’t give me this nonsense of ‘Only at certain times or when WQ’s are available’ rubbish. That’s not catering to an adult demographic. If I want to bust my chops grinding 7th Legion Rep so that I can even -make- a Dark Iron, then let me bust my chops and do so. The onus is on me then, to put the effort in, which is, the aim, right?
My PC is a Potato, it can take ten minutes to log a character (I wish I was exaggerating, I really do) I don’t want to log my Draenei and then go “Oh, no 7th Legion WQ reward today, I could go do them all at 75 Rep per quest, when I have to reach 21,000!”
My desire to make my Dark Iron Golemsmith/bomb disposal expert is rapidly decreasing the more of a ballache the grind becomes, despite me having the character already envisioned in my head and my plans for when I unlock the ability to create her…
So I was binge-reading theangrygm.com and found this passage:
I think I found the real reason that people – GMs – are looking for the low-magic option in D&D. It’s because D&D has gone World of Warcraft on us. It’s so bursting with magic that it feels like it’s gone beyond fantasy adventure into a parody of itself. Magic doesn’t feel special or wonderful or impossible. It’s just something people can do. And everyone can do it. There’s nothing miraculous about healing magic. Nothing terrifying about fire magic. It’s just this thing that pretty much everyone can do.
Magic doesn’t feel fantastic anymore. It just feels rote and mechanical. There’s just too much of it. And as empowering as it might be for players, for GMs, it makes it really hard to create any sense of wonder in the world. Especially because it’s the PCs, who can mostly do all the really cool stuff.
I think that’s my pet peeve, really. Power inflation in WoW - both in Blizzard’s story, and in RP. In fact, I think power inflation in RP was caused by power inflation in Blizzard’s story. What used to be rare has become common and accepted enough that it causes oversaturation.
It’s accepted enough that every mage RPer can do all that flashy stuff, oh and also open portals. It’s accepted enough that every druid RPer can turn into any animal, including that ultra-special riding owl form, and also heal. It’s accepted enough that every paladin RPer has a super-shiny huge sword that can cleave infernals in half. And so on.
I wonder if the much-maligned low-magic “GoT wannabe” RP trend is backlash against that. There is high-fantasy, and there is so-high-it’s-ridiculous fantasy. Not that I think it warrants trying to copy GoT either, but at least I think I can understand these people.
(Also, I can’t post the word “big-a**”? Seriously?)
One thing I’ve always admired about AOIAF (more so than how the TV series does it) is magic is an incredibly unpredictable and outright volatile power in the World of Westeros, it’s not the sanitised and dualistic good vs evil you see in LOTR, WoW or Harry Potter. Magic in AOIAF is potentially deadly to the caster, when done improperly. That said as a paraphrase from the series “magic is a blade with no hilt, there is no proper way to hold it.”
Virtually all the magic in AOIAF requires sacrifice, either on part of the user or from an external source. So whether or not you lose your sanity/personality or burn your daughter on a stake, there is a cost to using it. The most horrifying things in the series are actually not the Undead and the Others but the Undying Ones of Qarth, who are still technically human but the price of immortality has turned them into utterly ghastly beings.
I agree, magic in WoW could do with having more consequences for its actions, blowing up half the world aside, that are easily seen. The threat of demonic entities emerging from the Twisting Nether each spell cast is nullified with the existence of the Kirin Tor and Tirisgarde.
On one hand, I think it’s great to see that our characters have progressed to the point that they won’t just be mauled by a group of murlocs very easily. I also like the fact that we’ve moved on from ridiculous restrictions in RP that had no basis in the canon (I very fondly remember it being a headcanon in Horde that as a shaman you could only wield one element at a time), healing was extremely rare and close to a miracle, and anybody who used magic was seen as a baddie if they didn’t need to be close to passing out after casting a few spells, and if you were a melee combatant you needed to RP a bumbling fool of a grunt/footman.
On the second hand, there’s the other extreme. Jaina “Let it go” Proudmoore whose power inflation has been extremely ridiculous to watch, or the fact that while other sources of power have also inflated (chi, rage, energy) over the years, magic also keeps rising up. It’s a bit like Super sayan 4, electric boogaloo or what would you call it. Several NPC’s, like Dragons, have also become less and less important in the story and gameplay, taking wonder away from the fantasy.
I don’t think that inflation of magic itself is bad- It’s how it is applied in the narrative. If it is used as a plot device too often with no drawback (See: Jaina in Siege of Undercity, Abyssal scepter), it’s bad.
I actually don’t mind the “one element at the time” idea, you’re calling upon an element, and the same chant or whatnot to call one element, the other one wouldn’t make much sense to react to it.
That said, holding onto a spell and casting another one, and releasing both at once is fine
My problem with magic in WoW is less the fact that it’s widespread, but more the fact that all schools are nowadays basically the exact same thing with the only difference being the color.
All magic has some kind of healing ability
They can all open portals in some way
They can all be extremely destructive
All of them corrupt to a certain degree (yeah even druidism: Just look at Malfurion or the Highmountain Tauren)
I know right? Void should not be able to heal unless the target is a creature of void for example
Speaking of sources of power, I’d like to think that druidism would be possible without connection to the Emerald Dream, it’s just that the dream is a source of an incredible amount of natural energies, but it should be possible to draw the same energies from living organisms around you, however, this would leech their life from them, and kill them in the process
I honestly see the big power inflation we see in characters, and consequentially the roleplayers who base themselves off it to have come about with the Dragon Aspects dialling down and it going full ‘Titan’ mode’.
And then we dealt with the titans too.
As the original high-fantasy dragon they’ve gradually become less ‘powerful’ in the greater context - by this stage we’ve either killed them or driven them into obscurity. Even the Bronze flight just gets used as a token tool to bring in a Allied race, and these guys go through time ffs.
If I’m frank most of my characters don’t stand a chance if they end up going toe-to-toe with the most ‘average’ of magic users in a fair fight.
This is how druid healing works. They’re so concerned with their whole maintain the balance mantra that even Malfurion can’t just keep adding life energy to because it’ll have consequences. As a result, when he heals a dragon in War of the Ancients, he has to call upon the nature around him to offer their life energies to transfer around.
The process ends up scouring the grass around him because it takes a lot of energy to heal a dragon. He looks all horrified when it happens. But he also recognizes that if the plants had refused their aid, he would’ve had to sacrifice his own life energy to heal a dragon.
Though they can draw from the Emerald Dream, doing so will upset the balance. Unless something (like demons) recently scoured a lot of life, in which case not drawing more energy into the equation is in of itself tipping the scales.
Also you don’t need to care about the balance, but then you’re not really a druid with a capital D anymore. Nightborne Botanists come to mind with their abuse of nature magics for things like vanity in the Nighthold. They’re just called Naturalists.
They are some of the coolest, if not the coolest creature in fantasy. They should be creatures of mighty awe, rare but terrifying.
But aside from the very mightiest examples in Azeroth, such as Deathwing, dragons in WoW are… kinda weak/unimpressive? You smack them about in quests no problem (twilight highlands for example).
But then monsters in WoW are super unimpressive anyway. They tend to be not much deadlier than creatures a tenth of their size.
If night elves used Warhammer treemen instead of ancients the forsaken wouldn’t last a day. Change my mind.