I never realised how much I needed this until now.
Mass Effect: mobile. Now you get FOUR colours.
Andromeda bashing is my pet peeve, honestly. I liked it, and all the negativity is tiring. Bashing a game that’s been so thoroughly bashed already is, honestly, beating a dead horse.
Personally, I liked ME1, found ME2 to have a sloppy excuse for a main story but good in more or less everything else, thought ME3 was a piece of garbage from beginning to end except for the genophage and quarian/geth storylines, and my only real complaint about Andromeda is the utter lack of meaningful choices. To each their own.
Mass Effect: Mobile Royale, you mean?
Complete with loot boxes and a season pass.
I actually find it more frustrating that Blizzard called it the War of the Thorns rather than the War of Thorns as the former really doesn’t roll off the tongue as well as the latter.
In official sources they seem to go with the latter, though, from the ones I’ve seen - it’s just the in-game calendar that added the weird ‘the’ in between. Not sure which one is correct st this point.
I don’t even know why its called the War of the Thorns?
Like nothing to do with anything covered in thorns yet.
I guess they needed a fancy name for it, and any other names didn’t seem to be to their liking. Names like “War for Teldrassil” or “Battle of Darkshore” or stuff like that.
“The War of the Morally Grey evil Horde burns down your tree because their Warchief has a hissy fit” doesn’t really work, I guess.
The fact that I have to queue to kill Mythrax like 9 times EVERY GOD DAMN WEEK because the game keeps putting me against G’huun over and over again.
How in the hell is the queue system so trash in this game? I am literally not allowed to fight Mythrax seemingly because the game has decided that I have to take on G’huun OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
So there is someone you consider a friend, despite having met on WoW. You talk to each other almost daily, and not just about the game, but other things aswell. Then all of a sudden they cease all communication with you. They still play the game and they have not deleted you from discord or battlenet, but they downright refuse to respond. And I’m sitting there wondering what happened that caused this.
So I guess that is my peeve: Being made to play a guessing-game when even a simple 'Hey I dont wish to talk right now." would have sufficed.
Oh, I’ve been on the other side of that fence, but what bothers me is that when I do give a “I don’t feel like talking”, to someone who I had only one encounter with and who seems to want to continue talking to me for… Unknown reasons, and then get offended when I don’t respond to them.
I mean, enjoy the brief conversation that we had if it was a pleasant one, stranger. But at the very least don’t keep pushing against someone who isn’t showing much interest in a continued conversed relationship.
At least it isn’t as weird as the one occurence I had with some guy who was… Probably trying to get in to my pants, when he encountered me as a Pandaren Lady. I think I know now why females/males playing females are having such a frustrating time with Roleplay.
trying to give my cat the laxative that the vet gave me is all types of fun.
The fact that we still haven’t gotten Broken as playable ;_;
I have such a cool character concept for one if they ever became playable.
Island expeditions. They are boring, tedious and the rewards…urgh. The only reason why I am doing them right now is because of the bonus reputation.
Unless you have two team mates who have mythic gear.
Major annoyance: Even threads you have hidden from the latest topics page still show the (1) on top of the tab when they are responded to. >:-(
That Wildstar had to die while literally empty MMOs like Rift continue to trudge along like zombies.
This is the worst timeline.
The fact that WoW kinda still has a grip on the market, competition is healthy.
Overuse of the word “meme” to the point that it has lost all meaning.
Like, from this thread https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/guilds-and-tabards/9556:
What? What does that even mean?
It means they’re a joke due to how atrocious they are. @Lintian
Another peeve: website notification prompts.
“Allow this website to spam your desktop with notifications?”
- Yes
- No, but ask me every time I visit it