If you’re truly bothered by the fact that you’re being farmed in a place or several places due to World Quests throughout the day there is a quick, easy solution as to how to avoid it.
Turn off War Mode.
If you’re truly bothered by the fact that you’re being farmed in a place or several places due to World Quests throughout the day there is a quick, easy solution as to how to avoid it.
Turn off War Mode.
Pet peeve: the lengths people will go to to defend their game when its developer/publisher pushed an objectively shoddy product out on the market. Examples here are, but certainly not limited to, Fallout 76 and Atlas.
There are comments in this thread that makes me wish I could post on the general forums, and rip posters a new one.
Oh is this directed at me or were you not aware of me being notified?
No, I actually agree with you. Just some of the comments that were in the thread make me want to tear them a new one.
Like that one jackalope calling the Youtuber a “Streamer” for some reason. Or the guy misrepresenting him as some guy who hates the idea of women and minorities in videogames (When in fact it’s forced inclusion and rewriting of hisotircal events ala Battlefield 5 that he has issues with).
You I have no quarrel with, so do forgive me if I gave that impression.
Edit: Also the idea of your account being on the line for having a more spicy commenting habit is a really ridiculous notion. But hey, Blizzard seems to have a strong desire to set themselves on fire, so let us let them.
Oh look, the usual suspects being stupid again.
Yeah that seems like a reasonable reaction to something so extremely minor (especially since you can stream on youtube).
Tubri mate. I dont know you at all man, but for some reasons the things you say are pretty damn annoying, for the most part. Nothing personal tho
Is a pretty good idea. If “moderating everything” means banning people ingame who disrupt gameplay, disrupt roleplay, flame and such then it’s a pretty neat idea.
If “moderating everything” means people are getting banned because they use the trihard emote over on Twitch (a complete different platform) then it’s getting a little strange.
They wanna do something against toxicity? Sure. How about you permaban the people that flame each BG or raid? It’s like the guy that praises not watching po-rn and when he comes home there is po-rn everywhere. They have toxicity infront of them, CURRENLTY IN THEIR GAME and they can’t even handle that. “Language barrier only exists because there were some kids toxic to eachother in Vanilla”. Yea… Great. Just another thing that adds to the list of “things Blizzard can’t handle”.
My god I am so bored that any modern game I play loses me only after 15mins… Any RPG I try out is more or less the same.
I don’t know if I’m getting older to the point where I don’t have that drive of gaming for 12H straight without getting bored but this certainly won’t make my holidays feel fulfilling.
Going back to old but safe choices… Back to the ME original trilogy it is.
This is not related to Lumbo’s topic or Tubri’s reaction to it but it does concern Twitch: its moderation towards streamers is a complete disgrace. Basically if you’re a girl with a plunging neckline you can get away with everything up to softcore stuff. It’s a breeding ground for divas who learn that nothing is their fault because they’re pretty.
Oh yeah there was that one which was promoted by blizzard to the app aswell, nude body painting…
I liked You-Can’t-RP-After-8PM Tubri better than Alt-Right Tubri, now there was an entertaining guy.
What the hell suddenly boosted the stock price…?
Explain, please.
Are you shorting Activision-Blizzard?
You don’t need an explanation, you know what it means after I linked you the wikipedia article last time you pretended to not know about them.
Yeah, I had a look at the link. But considering someone someone decided to suggest that I am alt-right, I expect/demand an explanation.
dude you are the definition of alt-right
Explain, please.