Pet Peeve: The Undying

Well, actually orc skin is as tough as chainmail.

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Wrong. That’s dwarfs. Orcs are more like fungi.

Did you maybe unsub?

Orc skin (and orcs in general) make great fertilizer, the botani understood that, and Malfurion does too.

The bloody density of this writing astounds me. Oh no, Hurl Thunderbowel has taken a grave wound! What do we do? We clearly can’t just stitch him up because closing the gash in his skin demands tools equivalent of blacksmithing! Maybe blackrock ore makes amazing surgical needles?

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The chronicles (I believe?) confirms that Paladins prefer hammers for their large size of impact and power behind them, but at the same time, apparently the holy light/other enchantments done to them make the said hammers relatively light in their hands.

Where would you store this side-arm? Because there’s no credible way you’re ever going to strap that sledge hammer onto your back or onto your waist without it being insanely cumbersome and deprimental to your mobility.

Again, sledge hammers weren’t used because they were -ridiculously- heavy. Even Wooden mauls don’t even come close to them in weight, let alone pole hammers.

But then what’s the point of the argument?

I mean yeah if you say that the sledge hammer, whens swung at full force down onto a medieval helmet from a point blank range right onto the temple/top of the helmet, you’ll die. Okay, “Gotcha!” moment for you, fair.

But what about all the other situations? The fact that your fighting capability is crippled by this incredibly cumbersome weapon that you don’t even get to use before you are cut down? The fact that if you miss the blow even slightly, it risks glancing off very easily? The fact that opponent isn’t stationary, he can parry and move, just as you?

If your only intention is to point out a niche situation that (never) happened for the sake of the argument, while ignoring all the other paths, then I’d say you’re not even in for the discussion for a debate, you’re there just to state your view and ignore all the others.

Worse, if we apply this to the fantasy context, what if the helmet is also thicker and enchanted and made out of awesomemetal or whatnot?

You’d want a pick, not a Hammer. You might as well push them over for all a hammer would do, you want a piercing weapon, which is the whole point of later weapons development.

And its a two handed Warhammer…in what world is that a ‘sidearm’?

To be honest, I love it to bits, got the perfect mog and everything… I wanted Blackhand’s hammer, but that’s actually three times as long as my character so thought hmmn, maybe not…

Oh, yeah, fair point. Yeah, if you had a prone metal helm and went at it with a Sledgie then you are going to absolutely wreck it,

Well, to start with it was just lots of words, not a rant, but if that is the case, then surely that applies to every set of armour and weapon in the gameworld, in which case why was it brought up in the first place? (and not by me!)

As someone who has had to -swim- whilst wearing plate armour of metal, yes it is possible. Not the most enjoyable experience in the world ever, but possible. And Tiring. Can proper mess your armour up as well…

I think people getting bogged down in the minute specifics of real world combat, weaponry and fighting styles is one of my pet peeves. These things can enhance RP, as and when used appropriately, but we’re by no means beholden to it.

A paladin - as this discussion’s example of choice - swinging around a huge warhammer with ease and finesse would never work in a real combat situation, but on Azeroth it’s a legitimate and very potent style of fighting. One hit from Sir Chad of Broville, Knight of the Silver Hand, and you’re probably dead unless you have similarly powerful countermeasures/abilities.

Which leads into another pet peeve: paladin RPers treating the class like they’re fighters with a couple of levels in cleric. A Knight of the Silver Hand is traditionally a hero class and that should be kept in mind; they’re not a warrior who can cast the occasional holy spell.


Or any other blunt hammer of a reasonable size that you can wield in one hand, the Sledgerhammer was merely a hammer used as an example for blunt dense force against plated armour, helmet or whatever.

Not an example of how practical the use of a sledgehammer in combat is.

A normal Blacksmith Hammer can do far more damage to any sheet of metal with less effort and in less time.

If my sub had ran I wouldn’t be able to post anywhere, is my understanding.

I’ve pretty much been unsubbed for a year and a half and I can post since the forum overhaul

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My sub ran out last October and hasn’t been renewed since. And I can’t post on General but I can post here.

Huh, interesting. Still my sub, whilst not active in the sense that it’s renewed, hasn’t run out either.

These forums just get stranger and stranger.

Have you tried logging out then in?

Slight peeve is the opening cinematic of Dazar’alor.(Only speaking from Alliance perspective here.) While it was very cool and I enjoyed it, it seems like a huge misstake to put it to run at the very start of the raid when you enter.

This was felt quite particularly when I did lfr and we for various reasons wiped 3 times on the first boss, which of course caused people to leave, and whenever someone new joined, it was an additional 3-4 minute wait for their cinematic to finish.

This a billion times. Paladins are the Alliance’s superheroes. People forget that these guys, in WC3, were shown to be on par with Dreadlords in strength.


I think that’s probably been somewhat scaled back with the number of paladins there are now compared to during the Warcraft period where it was only the absolute best of the best, but they’re definitely still powerful fighters/shock troops.

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Nerds are what paladins are, reading books and praying to some phony deity for help to be strong instead of just gitting gud.

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screams inarticulately about how the Light isn’t a personified deity

In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony god’s blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.