Pet Peeve: The Undying

Wrong forums goblin, you’re not Boush

I’m the forum goblin slippin’ ur ma some intellect on the reg tho


Another peeve is that Jalbert is looking way too fine in that jacket.


You just can’t see the mustard stains from his avatar.


I think it still held true up until at least Wrath. Light’s Hope, for example, where a tiny handful of them withstood and defeated thousands of Scourge - and Death Knights ain’t slouches, either. Granted that was on “holy ground” but we can’t quantify how much of an effect that had other than knowing it helped.

250 of them if we are to believe those rampantly inaccurate numbers that are put on display.

Peeve: Missing a raid on Pokemon Go cause the game froze D:< Oh well, it was a Machamp and already had one.

My peeve: People who keep commenting “Limit beat Jaina” in the Method stream. It’s like a broken record.

I hope they do. Having Method win every race is getting old. We need someone new to step in.

All the talk about FF14 in the Void Elf thread has made me want to resub again.

I don’t mind who wins, but I don’t want it to be a US guild.

To show no matter how many advantages they get, the rest of the world will still beat them.


To be honest, my preferred pick would be Exorsus.

I hope this will lead to Limit also streaming the next mythic race.

But I am sure that if Limit wins and Method beats it in shorter time there’s gonna be a fight among the fans over who is the true winner because of the headstart the Americans have. Would be nice of Blizzard to support the race by unifying raid releases but I doubt this is gonna happen.

True. Though they shall not do it because to them the race is just a mythic bug and tuning testing.

ayy bb u wan sum intellect

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Synchronised release of raids would benefit the European servers, Americans are 5-8 hours behind us, so when they’re released (lets say midnight as expansions are usually done) Americans are going to be between 4 PM and 7 PM, not ideal times.

Deo gratias…

On the subject of paladins being superheroes, I peeve at this contributing to the way some players treat their characters as perfect unbeatable one man armies and a cool guy who doesn’t afraid of anything.

The cult of heroism, the Great Man narrative polluting readings of history and its political implications, it just goes on like that into a metapeeve but it boils down to that one moment in a campaign, spar or other confrontation where the other guy just won’t ever concede despite the wee hours creeping in.

I also peeve at the way my phone, dexterity and eyesight (or lack thereof) conspire to have me consistently render my posts into casseroles of typos as if I’m in the middle of a massive stroke. I mean, wjo can rwslly tolerate rwsfing tjis kibf of post for anh lrngyjox ykne? By the scruff of Saint Shaggy, save me from myself…

That moment when you character is a powerful Witch Doctor but he’s scared of the dark.



Loras was mostly scared of lame boy things like being too badly injured in battle to continue his life as an adventurer. His parents wanted him to be something safe like an accountant and by the Light that wasn’t going to happen. Turns out his fears were for nothing because he just died instead.


Military guilds with the rank of “Conscript” as their lowest role, when no one in that guild was actually conscripted.