Pet Peeve: The Undying

When is it going to circle back around to MMOs though??? :pensive:

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Star Wars Galaxies sadGnome

Mos Eisley cantina RP… You are missed.

Waiting for that repeat part, but all I see are mobile games

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Add CCGs to that. There was a period in the 90s and early 2000s where everybody wanted to tag along on the success of Magic: The Gathering.
A DBZ CCG? Do it!
A Star Trek CCG? Okay!
A Star Wars CCG? Have two!
A Highlander CCG? Err… sure?

It’s already back at (electronic) CCGs, where because of saturation titles are failing before they were even released. Yes, I’m looking at you, Artifact.

So hopefully soon™!

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I have a harry potter CCG with two decks(Malfoy and Hermoine) based on the first film/book and it came out around that time as well. It plays -very- similliar to magic, even to the point of having lands(lessons), and a slight variation of planeswalkers(the forementioned Malfoy/Hermoine)

I don’t think that it ever got that big tbh, as I do not recall ever hearing about it again after getting the first starter decks from my parents.

I can’t see MMOs picking up the same steam they had 10 years ago. Basically every MMO now is barely managing to survive, WoW is arguably a shell of it’s former self in a lot of ways (I don’t normally subscribe to the “WoW is ded!” bandwagon but this time…), a ton of MMOs from that era had to close.

A ton of people wanted in on the MMO pie that Blizzard made in 2004, but an MMO is probably THE most expensive game to develop and maintain. You can’t just make a game then kick it out of the door with one map and 20 characters, or similar. You need to make a huge open world, support hundreds of thousands of players, etc etc. The sheer scale required already makes publishers sweat nervously. Not factoring in the fact you can’t really lay off people after launch (WIldstar did this, and it was a huge mistake) as you need all of them to keep working on new content.

It’s a shame because a lot of people are so desperate for something new in the MMO field, that people hyped up Bless Online, a :poop:y asian MMO that already launched in several regions and was an absolute failure with borderline pay to win mechanics, item dupe bugs and extremely clunky, tedious combat. Bless launches and it’s exactly the same as it was in Russia, Korea and Japan. PikachuSurprised.jpg

The reason people jumped on digital CCGs and MOBAs is because they’re significantly cheaper to make and maintain than most game genres. MOBAs largely died out because they needed something to pull people over from LoL and Dota (Only Smite managed this). And a lot of BRs seem to just be devs making an easy buck by modifying existing games (Fortnite, CS:GO, possibly Apex and probably more than that).

Peeve: The excellent WoW TCG is dead and instead we have ‘Who’s more lucky and has the bigger wallet’ the card game AKA Hearthstone.


It probably went the same way as The Crow CCG, the Terminator CCG, the Mortal Kombat CCG, the three Dr Who CCGs and the Spongebob Squarepants CCG.

Speaking of Smite: what the hell, Elvine?

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My current peeve is names. Names that have no thematic connection to wow, or the specific race or culture you want to portray.

You don’t want to see a blood elf or night elf running around with a human name. Or a hunter pet to have a name from your favourite anime. It looks wrong. Follow the culture of the race you’ve chosen to roleplay.


Sorry I exist, Felamir… I made this character before I RP’ed and this is my oldest character, having survived from mid-TBC to now.

It’s not like name change isn’t a thing

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Yeah no dawg.

Not gonna change Shadow :<

Lol, I just looked it up, and it was actually Wizards of the coast(The magic company) that made it. But they discontinued it in 2003 already, so there you go.

Also how do you circument the “anti fun” link stuff again, as I wanted to link the wiki site?

Also make that a peeve, why can’t we link friggin regular sites Blizz?

Edit: Link

Much love to Elenthas for giving me link magic.

I’m not sure which I found more, just of an annoyance really. Either the people with -extremly- ooc name like “darklordcowbell” or those that like you say, have names that deviate so much from the race, such as an elf of a Draenei named Johnathán ooc, but then in trp something more appropriate.

Not a massive peeve for me, but just a bit of an eyesore/annoyance.


That’s my pet peeve.

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Your name has found to be unacceptable. No, I think its fine :stuck_out_tongue:

They don’t trust you.

But trust level 2 :frowning:

More or less, this.

MMO’s take immense resources to build, get started, and to maintain, and the only really (seemingly) working method is a subscription model- Which in one way is really good since it ensures a constant flow of money to the game unlike microtransactions, but it also means you also have to deliver some form of content people like for them to enjoy it- And this is where the fundamentals of business start to kick in.

Everyone would like a business like Blizzard to last long term and continue providing excellent gaming experiences in their field, but industries shift, change, and die off. As do companies. Since humans live in spatial moments in time and move on to new parts in their lives and businesses, the business will eventually change too- Sometimes irreversably. Sometimes you can pull off a manouver that’ll save the business- Sometimes you don’t. Worse, even if you manage to save the business, it may be so changed many old customers don’t recognize it anymore.

I suppose the age old cliche about “times change” is a true one here, as WoW will eventually go down in history. Maybe in five years. Ten? Fifteen? Doesn’t matter. And nothing might take up the vacuum it’s left, since that vacuum may be gone- While RTS games are still played to this date for one, that genre of gaming has fallen behind several other, more popular genres (FPS, battle royale, MOBA). It’s only natural MMO’s will suffer the same fate eventually.

It’s a bit of a frightening thought really, if you really think about it. How long have you been playing this game? I started (on my own account) early Burning crusade. That’s…That’s over 12 years ago now. I was 12 around then.

WoW’s been a fundamental part of my life since then. While I had more addicted times (as most youngsters do) with it, there were also times were I was more laid back with it, but it always stuck with me. I haven’t cancelled my subscription ever intentionally. These days, I play it a lot less, but even then when I do play other games, I always return back to this game. In a way, it’s something safe, familiar, and enjoyable.

Now, imagine that going away. Be it either Blizzard shutting down the game (for good), or simply stopping making content for it. Even if I’m generous and I say that during school days I spend a good few hours playing this game, even more during free times (unless I have other plans like sports/IRL events/etc). What’ll you replace that with? It’s not a question of replacing a few hours a day, we’re talking about several hours a week. It’s part of your life, similarly how school university, or other routines are. And we all know everybody needs routines.

Fortunately, I may have a solution to that since I’m hoping to start working (properly) once my university is over next year, move in with my GF, maybe start a family, so there’s that. I’ll be busy with things, but I’ll still likely have time to play the game every now and then.

I guess as an eternal worrier my grand peevee is that I don’t really have a concrete, solid plan to replace WoW with when eventually it goes down.

…Fortunately, Blizzard is making probes into the VR world, so here’s to hoping we get an OASIS esque VR world, maybe based on WoW, made. But we’ll all be grandparents by then, I suppose.

Now WoW…That was a good game.

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Put ` around the link to make it postable.

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