Pet Peeve: The Undying

Closest I’ve found to describe it in english is kind of like the first E in “elephant”? (That is, if I pronounce elephant correctly, of course.)

/ɛ/ if that’s of any help. (Like in “bed”, according to Wikipedia.)
It’s a thing in French (English sometimes uses it too but it’s optional) to mark adjacent vowels as separate sounds. So “noël” is “no-el” instead of something like “nöl” (ö being like the “ir” sound in “bird”). Tolkien used these dots in elvish names like that and also to mark an ending -e as not silent.


Dont diss my Vixí :(, or her 120 version Víxi

So it’s Narm-eh?

Kind of yes! Blythan described it correctly too.

It actually is, thanks.

Well, obviously, but I didn’t want to directly imply it. What we do with bodies in this building is mostly our own business. Mostly.

Coming second in the home lottery so now I’ll have to be nervous for an entire week and just pray the first choice declines.


I’d just search /who Blood Elf Hunter , or /who Highblood , to find Rhâéwòn easily, then right click and select whisper.
Takes about as long as typing /who Rhaewon and selecting whisper.

Peeve: I forgot my peeve.

Ingredient portion size.

See a recipe I wanna try online, realise that I’ll have to buy way more of X, Y and Z than I need and either waste food or try to come up with other stuff to use it on.


Freeze what you don’t need today for future recipies. Or if it can’t be frozen, slap it on toast!

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Another Warfront cycle, another two attempts to get the Elite Plate Gloves to drop from Arathi on Alliance.

Another cycle of duplicates, disappoint and HATRED for whatever plank designed the RNG in this expansion and didn’t add in a vendor to scrap duplicates to. It’s the ONLY way to get that mog apperance, and its BLOODY AWFUL. SCUMBAGS.


That’s why you make a food plan for the week. Plan meals so get full use of the ingredients.


I made spring rolls for me & my GF, but I also made use of the materials for the rest of the week, making things like risotto & noodle soup.

Is it okay if you also have the accent-free version of said name but you are already using it for the other faction’s version of your character?

Like this.

Why can’t we use marks of honour for the Arathi transmog set still?!

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Because plebs are really stupid, who will get so super confused and lost, when not just looking for the merchant, but actually BUYING stuff from said merchant! Because you know, the typical player is a drooling imbecile who can’t thing properly!
-Ion Kazzakystan

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So you have two toons for the same pandaren character. Thats is actually kinda smart, allows you to represent them as neutral.

I hate this post, but only because its true…

Because then we have to stay subscribed for another go at the transmog next cycle. It’s the same cynical calculation to delay progress and growth as the rest of the grindy MMO baseline since the Holy Vanilla.

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