Pet Peeve: The Undying

Well as I said, this was not meant at Tubri or you at all, it was simply that your wordings resembled a peeve of mine.

So I do apologise for making it seem like that was the case, I haven’t followed that argument. I simply went off on a diffrent tangent.

It was basically just that your text reminded me of it, rather than a response to it :slight_smile:

Edited: fixed the sentence a bit for some clearer structure.

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Pet peave:

The amount of Kingdom Hearts 3 that is cutscenes.

It’s all cool :wink:.


50% cutscenes, 25% gameplay, 25% DARKNESS

That’s a stated reason people quit overwatch, too.

Peeve: I’m an old git and pine for games like quake and the original unreal tournament when all we have lately is gimmicky trash.

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My favourite part is how back-loaded the important plot is. 8 worlds of bumbling through happy disney land and then D A R K N E S S W I T H I N D A R K N E S S

I didn’t really mind it though. I still loved it, in all of it’s goofy glory.

While I yearn for the springtime of my RP, when I cared only about enjoying myself in a magical fantasy world :pensive:

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Yeah… I’d love to have again my complete lack of knowledge of RP and how it worked and simply indulged without feeling restrained by questions such as “Is my RP good, will we click well?” Or prejudices like “Ewan this guy is an edgelord… Must avoid. Ugh a Draenei/Orc. Must be this stereotype or X something”.

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Somewhere along the way, I went from “hey, new people to play with!” to “okay, who are these people and who are they coordinating with in the Game of Guilds and which eggshells should I avoid stepping on so as not to be destroyed?”


When I was 12 or so and first started RP, I was a half-demon blood elf death knight called Obsidian Blackblood. And you know what? I liked it.

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I’m sure you have good reasons that lead to that line of thinking, but have you ever considered not caring?

I’ve come to enjoy RP a whole lot more in recent years when I decided to just do what I want with those that I want without caring much in the grand scheme of things. Not involving yourself in the “RP politics” as it were does wonders for your psyche.

not that it stops me from :poop:posting but then i’m not really a saint either


I’ve tried, but if I don’t, others still do and I only really cripple myself by carelessly and merrily bumbling my way onto the minefield. Seeing the ugly side of guild politics has left me perpetually wary and justifiably paranoid at no fault of my own.


I think if it’s gotten to the point of perpetual wariness and paranoia, it’s probably time to seek out greener pastures - be that in-game community or the game itself. I don’t mean that in a cruel way, either. That just sounds like a very un-fun way to spend your time in your chosen hobby.

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I experience these same things, but on the other hand, I have an instinct for spotting bad apples that has been 100% right so far and has yet to let me down. I kinda like not having to deal with the dregs of RP.

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Afaik most OW abilities don’t tend to deal damage, usually they’re some kind of utility, buff or debuff. Who the hell is saying the guns do no damage? Ultimates sure but the majority of abilities in the game do flat zero damage.

I tend to pick and choose who I RP with nowadays. I don’t have the same free time that I used to, and I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted it.

Random RP is a great concept, but when it’s something that by nature is hit-or-miss I’m not as willing to invest my time in it as I once was.

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It’s more that while you can certainly gun your way to victory, the ultimates change things up so much and decide the outcome to such an extent that it’s more a race to recharge them than to play tactically.

This is kind of an inherent problem with internet RPing in general and the new features enable the worst of it to grow. I’d have to leave MMO stuff entirely to be free of it and I still value the fun I find far too much to flee.

It’s kind of like seeing the gangrene spread and go “okay, that leg is going to come off but I still have the use of the hand that wasn’t caught in the mangler”.

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That’s true I guess. Once you’ve seen one community, you’ve seen them all. They come in different colours, but they all allow for the same hijinks. That being said, I echo Telaryn’s post:

I’ve been around for a pretty long time (coming up 9 years on AD and 13 on WoW in general) and I just find the best way to maintain my fun/interest is to play with friends and others I trust to keep it all IC and gucci.

If I find that I don’t mesh with a group/community, I have my grumble but I just move on if that’s what it takes.

Just died to an ARMLESS zombie in RE2.

To be fair, that thing had some moronic - well, maybe not so moronic when you think about it. What else you’d use when armless - mechanic where it kept biting me because I was in a corner trying to load my gun. Why didn’t I just switch to another gun? Beats me.

Then on the other side of the door there is a licker and you can guess who was coming, maneuvering to the location where the gunshots originated from. I deal with the licker, round the corner towards a safe room and there’s another zombie on the floor, appearing very lifeless, but I knew very well that was not the case. Now my options were two:

  1. One shot to kill it. If not kill, atleast cripple it so it doesn’t grab me when I run past it.

  2. Just run past it. They’re rarely able to grab me when in that state.

I decide to run past it. I didn’t feel like wasting ammo. And OF COURSE the thing crawls up my leg and kills me. The one time it could have just not happened. I got set back in progress just a little too much, so I closed the game.

I’m pretty sure I read this somewhere, but apparently the game either ups or downs the difficulty based on your performance. No, not switching to easy or hard difficulty, but basically having you end up in situations that are either more or less difficult to handle. Have this zombie stand right around the corner or right behind this door you’re about to use, ready to jump on you. But I feel like these situations are sometimes just ridiculous - like two lickers suddenly blocking your only passage. I’ve survived that type of situation with Mr. X included in it, but simply because of how the animations work. Doesn’t make it any less ludicrous.

Apologies for the novel.

As I’ve said in the unpopular opinion thread: There’s nothing wrong with “bubble RP”. If you find some good friends or a good guild, nothing wrong with sticking with them for years and not touching public RP. (It’s only an issue if you go to a public RP hub then pretend nobody else exists).

Likewise I just don’t have the time, or patience, to sift through garbage in SW to find ONE person that’s decent and I’d like to RP with by chance. In a guild I can log on, ask for RP, and usually get some with a theme and quality to my liking.