Pet Peeve: The Undying

Okay, that is Kul Tiran hunter leveled up.

Now what next?

groan in agony as you realize the buttons and belt are the only 3d part and tabards dont go with it

Surely more of a delight than a peeve?

I finished leveling my nightborne only to find the heritage armor is all sorts of janky.

It was a followup because it was previously something I talked about in the thread!

I suppose a peeve is that yes, the heritage armour is not perfect (SWTOR did their coat physics much better, I miss my sith warrior :frowning: ) and I don’t know what to level next. Give me some more classes for pandaren, blizzard!

Say what you will about Adventurers League, but its quick level progression and a large number of games at our club has allowed me to try out a variety of character concepts. I have five characters of varying levels, and old-time players at our club have way more.

gnome and tauren coming up next, and I suspect trolls and draenei will come after.

I find AL too restrictive. Only the PHB+One other book really limits my options, especially for casters and for getting feats. That and a few races and class archetypes are outright banned. It certainly makes things quick and if your concept can be built almost entirely with the PHB you’re good to go. But it’s not for me.

I’m currently in two games, one with WoW guildies on Sundays via roll20 (Which is buggy as hell and we cannot wait for DnDBeyond to make the gameplayable on their site) and one on Tuesdays at a local club which does Westmarch campaign-type sessions. After attending a few of the latter I can probably start rotating characters between each trip to the base we have.

It seems we have different values and priorities when it comes to D&D, so let’s agree to disagree.


Would be good if we have mirrors in game…

While I suspect that it’s cancelled with legalese and turned into a “maybe” for future content that they’re “really excited about!”…

Bugged by Daylight not loading me into a match and thus making my team have to suffer a 3 man.

Especially right after I had that happen to me.

How can you be a girl if you play a male character… pffft, nice try Loras, Speaker of Undeath.

Nightborne don’t need arcwine, nor can they make, anymore now.

I always thought Loras was such a level-headed and responsible person on here.

Now I know why. Member of the Grimace club. :triumph:

I wish I was as good at everything as the women able to pull off male characters.

I love how people dreaded Blizzard making a Warcraft children’s book. Yet it’s probably handled the setting in a much more mature way and provided a lot of interesting lore, to the point that it overshadows the vast majority of “grown up” novels and novellas.

Traveller isn’t the hero we deserve, but it’s the one we need.


Sure, but you can’t convince me that the nightborne immediately abandoned 10,000 years of the vintner’s art.

They don’t, they just make/experiment with different wines now.

tfw traveller genuinely opens up more lore regarding tauren and kalimdor as a whole than any recent WoW novel.

What the hell, Blizzard?

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Mfw one of your characters is on a big journey, but once there you find there is little opportunity for further development as no one seems to be there :frowning:

You’d think someone would RP in Darkshore, but no.

A blight-covered forsaken-pun-intended-wasteland.

Could you elaborate with some examples?