Pet Peeve: The Undying

Arcfruit wine…

It is actually Night Elf held atm and not so bad to be in, as long as you are not in Lor’danel.

Dryads, when first grown, stand at around 5’5". They first begin their lives as enchanted acorns, cared for and tended to by experienced druids who consider them sacred. These druids whisper in various languages to the acorn to teach them about the world before they’re grown, and at the first touch of water, sprout into their normal appearance in a matter of seconds. Once grown, they immediately imprint on the first person they see, meant to be a druid, who will teach them to control and utilize their powers for the good of nature. Dryads do not consume animal products, and instead enjoy various vegetables and fruits. They can converse with any living beings, such as bee hives, can grow plants at their will, and are largely immune to all forms of magic. Although they grow from an acorn, they do seem to have normal biology once done growing, as they’re capable of bleeding and defecating.

Loa and night elves hold dryads in very high regard. Shadra bowed her head to Taryndrella out of either respect–or fear.

This is all from Tavellers.


The hair on my Worgen form isn’t red nor short like my human form and that infuriates me whenever I put on a hoody.

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I don’t have the book to hand, i’ll tag my brother from another mother Telaryn in. He’s a walking encyclopedia at this point. :brain:

(he didn’t tag me in)

Traveler 1 makes mention of how elves have this aura of ethereal beauty and serene grace to them (corroborating the bit from Arthas: Rise of the Lich King where elves were described as being so beautiful they went to uncanny valley) that they often disarm unsuspecting foes with it. Elven warriors are well aware of this fact and often exploit it when an unprepared foe lowers their guard.

In practice you could interpret that as elven warriors training themselves to draw their weapon and strike a foe before they can react after they calm them with their aura – a raised weapon does not soothe the spirits. They don’t depict this, though, so make from it what you will.

Also tauren have a cultural greeting where you first touch your heart, then your forehead, and finish by gesturing towards the recipient by extending your hand out. IIRC it roughly translated to “I open my heart and mind to you,” though I don’t have a quote on that a hand (I have the Traveler books on audiobook…)

Also this bit regarding Gadgetzan’s description:

Under cover of darkness, Aram and Makasa ventured out with the compass to find the next shard. It was Aram’s first real view of Gadgetzan, with its strange circular buildings, sand-covered sandstone streets and perpetually scurrying populace composed of nearly every race known to him. The latter was a boon, as no one paid much attention to the children of Greydon Thorne as they followed their odd and eccentric course. Aram kept the device in hand and let it lead them. It glowed and tugged, and the needle would turn this way and that, as the labyrinthine streets refused to provide a direct path to their prize.

You could argue that the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan layout is canon post-Cataclysm. In-game Gadgetzan specifically does not have labyrinthine streets and a busy, scurrying population.

Finally northern humans are culturally divided from south with their concepts of honour. By that I don’t mean that they have different values, but rather (wookiee) “life debts” is a common practice in the northern kingdoms, and the way it’s juxtaposed in the novel gives the impression that southern humans don’t practice this. Given what we know of a similar ritual among dwarven warriors, Gwyarbrawden, you could speculate that the northern kingdoms adapted the practice from the dwarves due to proximity.

Also northern humans are low-key implied to be superstitious with their burial rites involving removing whatever killed the person from the body before burial. Makasa explains that they believe the spirit is unable to rest peacefully and move on until arrows, etc. that killed the person are removed from the body.


Powerful lore, from such a little series of books. Thank you based Greg Weisman.

Huh… neat, and interesting. maybe they fear Elune.

Blessed Greg Weisman also worked on Young Justice and as we know, it was quite excellent.

Truly he is the King Midas of writing

Not a fan of this though, I think races should have separate beauty standards, an elf might not be attractive at all to, say, a human or an orc.

Don’t mind this, a bit strange and perhaps a bit long for a greeting, but they’re a different culture, and a relatively patient one.

This is good.

I also like this.

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The tendrils of Draenei and Broken bother me a lot, seriously, they’re just useless pieces of meat - why are they there?! They serve no purpose but to make Draenei look alien. I’m all for unique looks and all that but they need to make sense!

At least with Naga it’s fair because they’re “blessed” by an old god.

I can’t shake the feeling that flying has been made ever so slightly slower since BFA. Asked others I know and at least two have said they think the same.

I don’t much care if they have made it slower, but it’s the feeling of “I’m SURE I should be going faster”. The constant thought every time I’m flying. It’s a strange one.

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Private stuff.

We must rip the secret from their flesh! Naughty secret…


I’m torn between not having the juice to level and maintain two more characters and also definitely wanting to.

Why does EVERYONE have an RP title starting with “the”?!
Seriously, it’s all over Orgrimmar! You’re not wrestlers, stop making these titles, they’re a bigger issue than idiots using “Ignores the usual”.
There’s plenty of other kinds of shenanigans people have in some of their profiles that’s just stupid.

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Only the most ordinary roleplayers are seeking the company of the extraordinary ones. For vindication, I can guarantee these people are the most usual usuals ever to kick up a stink with their TRP. Let it roll off, bro - you’ll be :ok:

These people are 95% of the damn RP community, I wish I could roll off this damn server sometimes

i have more A than the i guess haha

Just watched the latest Halloween Film.

Good movie, but holy crap, they use the dead by daylight chase music for the… chases. Its fine, but kind of takes away from the film when you’re too busy nerding out over it.

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