Pet Peeve: The Undying

I genuinely wish I could see your MRP/TRP3 profile. Everybody who complains about something involving them usually is guilty of one of the cardinal sins they moan about themselves. :thinking:

On the other hand I present to you this argument: What’s wrong with having a title that’s actually a title, in a fantasy universe where more OTT titles exist, or at least have more of a right to exist than say, GTAV RP? :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:

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A general lack of plain RP or RPPvE guilds, campaigns and events. It seems everyone and their mother wants to do RPPvP and only RPPvP now. I get it, it’s the theme of the expansion, but frankly I have an intense hatred of RPPvP (I won’t get into that, I could write a damn essay on that alone) and the complete lack of RPPvE of any kind (Really guys, just swap undead/legion/naga with Horde/Alliance) has killed my motivation to start RPing again.

Even guilds and friends who I knew weren’t originally intended to participate in the RPPvP stuff are now more or less forced to because it’s all people are doing/want to do. Looking up and down this forum nearly everything is tagged with RPPvP or ‘RPPvP focused’, any RPPvE that exists is either an afterthought tacked on the end of an RPPvP campaign, or is based on an obscure concept that doesn’t appeal to me.

So yeah, on my laundry list of reasons as to why I hate RPPvP, I can add all of the above to said list. With “responsible for my motivation to RP at all being shot in the face” being highlighted.

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It feels a bit “snowflakey” feels like it’s just “ooh look i’m speshul”.

Judge away:
The '“nickname” was his so-called name under the Scourge’s banner, as we can see death knights pick up a special name to be called by the scourge.
The title is what the Orcs of the Red Blade have called him on the occasion, not an uncommon term in rp in general, either, from what I’ve seen.

(i don’t actually care)

Titles are cool, but I prefer to focus on any titles, nicknames, etc that other characters choose to give mine, rather than devising them myself. It feels more genuine if they are based on the actual impressions and/or appreciation of other characters rather than just my own ideas.

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You’re now imagining The Lich King except instead of armour he’s in skintight spandex.

Still got his helmet but instead of metal it’s a luchador mask.

You’re welcome.


When people finally do Pandaren stuff or pitch Pandaren ideas, yet they insist on using Japanese styled names.

You… you do realise that Pandaren are inspired by a Chinese mythos and background, right?
Petty? Probably. Irritating? Oh yes.

The infamous chinese names Connor.

And Mudmug.


Maybe there are a different breed of Pandaren we don’t know about quite yet that are more Japanese inspired?!


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Maybe Wandering isle is Japanese… Hmmmmmm

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Blizzard: “Wait, what are Pandaren again?”

A peeve, in images.


Eh, Japanese names still suit them.
Leave single-syllable japanese names free for Vulpera, though.

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Singing at the cat, he just opened one eye like, “can you not?”

Fine, Mr. Kitty, I’ll go sing (horribly) at something else.

I’m not appreciated in this house.

And also Chen, Shaohao, Liu Lang, Xiang, Yiang, Zhu, Li-Li, Cho, etc.


I guess they dont really care much anymore? It would have been neat for them to do as they did with Wrathion in MoP, where rogues who did the fangs of the father questline had unique, yet small, dialogue changes with him.

There is priest-specific dialogue for the xal’atath quest.


Oh then my bad, all good then :slight_smile: I just thought it wasnt based on that picture.

Not sure how my knifu got out of my bank all the way to Stormsong Valley though…