Pet Peeve: The Undying

Totally a bug and not a result of a shody forum moderation bot.


There are indeed some god awful people over on ESO EU-RP, though thankfully they seem to have gone quiet.

Which may mean they are over here!

Okay so I adopted a little girl kitten today and she is SOOOO cute and is already in love with me.

Except my little peeve is that her teeth are like needles and she enjoys biting and my fingers hurt… and 5am is play time. And I’m her bed.

But i love her already.


The system has an auto locking feature once enough flags are given.

Its an awful system honestly, easily abused by any players who can co-ordinate mass flagging of things they don’t like. It’s happened here although not -quite- on that scale.

Its an incredibly lazy system too, I much preferred the older report system which -required- human moderation since it made you explain -why- you are reporting someone.

I’ll have you know my apathetic Khajiit bow-for-hire is innocent of any crime, he is stone cold sober, clean of skooma and can actually speak as well as any high-brow Breton.

Although not that it matters much, I was soundly put off the game by some Imperial Legion-esque guild who performed a poorly done rip off of saving private ryan, while completely ignoring all non-imperial characters around them trying to help them out.

Only for then to get some spiteful whispers afterwards saying “mmm ur khajiit accent wasn’t quite right so we’re kind of just going to ignore u now lol.”

Not the nicest community around, although I do hear some positive things from the Altmer, from a close friend of mine who plays more frequently than me. Maybe I should start playing Dominion? Covenant rp is quite frankly worse than anything Stormwind or Silvermoon can spew out.

As for the Dark Elf and the milk problem I am now reminded about the infamous incident now. Thanks. :eyes:

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Quite sure as its particular politics is what drove me away, refusing to bend the knee. Uncompromising adherence to the lore as presented rather than what groups of friends and friends of friends decided on by commitee made it impossible to interact.

It may well have changed since then or you may simply run in different circles that don’t get exposed to this kind of thing. Our experiences clearly differ by a lot. The massive amounts of headcanon simply broke my enjoyment of the setting. No single group or person should ever claim the sort of power distributed between the in-groups in that community.

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Well, right now it’s nothing too dire, though a bit boring since a lot of it is people hanging out in player houses, which a lot certainly are quite nicely put together (There is one player house that was refurbished in to a sort of shanty town place with a bunch of stuff happening every so often, looks quite nice). Kinda makes the overall open world outside of individual guild events kinda empty, or populated by the French.

Honestly, it’s kind of a “You like it or hate it” kind of affair, as it kinda is with everything in life. Just in ESO it feels rather awkward considering how it can all be rather… Varied, with the races and all that. Plus it’s mostly in player houses, which can be a bit dull as there’s a whole big world out there being looked over.

If you are gonna be joining any hub guilds, by the Nine Divines, stay out of Vvardenfell RP! There are foul tidings there. You know… The unpleasant folk. Namely those who seem to be more interested in their own bubbled stories, and don’t want to go to anyone’s event without the person “Exposing themselves in public first”. That I took as code for “Go join our events first before we even consider coming for your events”, which sounds about as welcoming as a sign saying “Dangerous dog says: I find you on yard, I kill you”

Long story short: Not too bad in Stormhaven RP, segregated to player housing, Vvardenfell RP stinks.


This sounds familiar… I think the guild’s debunked now, but I think I encountered this guild, even avoided becoming a member to it (Thank God for my goofy nature).

The guild leader was always “Too busy” to put me through a recruitment process, took ten years to reply or say anything. I unfortunately humored him by letting him put in a punch on my character, only for a bootlick of his to restrain me, and ignore every single emote I then sent in trying to stomp on the bootlick’s feet. I honestly went “Good riddance” when I heard that the guild went under.

Code for “I cannot imagine your normal text in the voice of a Khajiit, or I cannot tell that I don’t like butchered accent text in a nice way, so I hate you for it”. Rather petty.

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I’m gonna need you to hold on to your suspension of disbelief here because its about to take a hecking beating…

So a couple of days ago over in the general discussion section someone made a post calling anyone who didn’t have a high enough RIO score “scum”.
“Heck move” I thought to myself and replied with:

“Imagine calling another people ‘Scum’ because of an over inflated sense of self importance within a fantasy game about space goats and technologically advanced Gnomes”

For my reply I was hit with a “post on your main or never come back to these forums” from a completely different poster.
I replied with a simple “This is my main”…

Now here’s the real kicker.
The forum moderation team then suspended my forum account for 24 hours for ‘trolling’ while the post calling people ‘scum’ is apparently all OK and still up on the forum…

“Blizzards forum moderation team are awesome” I thought to myself and opened a ticket…

Well I got a reply…

Hi there My Name,

How you doing? I hope everything is ok, under the circunstances.

I fear that there is not in our hands to keep investigating this case, as it has been investigated multiple times before coming to this resolution. The suspension won’t be removed.

It appears that the mod didn’t even read my ticket and instead lumped it in with a previous ticket from a month ago… A previous ticket which saw my suspention lifted might I add…

So yeah,

Those are my peeves… WoW’s awful player base and Blizzards incompetent moderation team… No wonder some had to take voluntary redundancies…


Spill the beans, boyo.

Couple of things you can do to combat this.

She’s either trying to assert her dominance over you or she hasn’t figured out how to play properly yet.

The next time she nips you either hiss loudly at her to let her know it’s not OK or just walk away from her and stop giving her any attention for half an hour or so.
In time she’ll learn not to nip you so much although they never really stop doing it.


Since TBC their GM response team has taken a nose-drive in quality. You need to persist and re-open tickets several times to not get a response created by a macro.

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I can’t… The rest of the reply goes on to say…

We cannot do anything more to this matter, so future issues regarding your account ban will be abandoned without any more answer

I’ll be petulant, but the community managers are not the same as the GMs. CMs have actually always been rather lax. GMs are a hit and miss.

That behaviour will carry over into her adult life. She needs to learn that your hand is not a playtoy. Do you have a toy mouse for her?

What some people also like to do is wriggle their fingers in front of their kitten, enticing it to jump those fingers and nip them. If you do this please quit that immediately.

The equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and yell: “LALALA I can’t hear you LALALAAA.”


This was your first and last mistake.


Can’t seem to find the thread. I guess it got buried after all due to how the thread was inflamatory? So I guess they did a job worthy of a C- at best, at least.

Seriously though, the way the forums are at the present is rather terrible.

I’ll rephease my question.

Which faction were you?

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She has lots of toys but I will keep this in mind, thanks!

I lack sleep cause I couldn’t stop thinking about her lmao guess that’s my peeve rn.

I’d honestly call customer support by phone at this point

Today my peeve is that I just finished a fresh play through of the Mass Effect trilogy. I’d originally played the games as they came out and loved them, with the exception of 3 which I found to be super fan servicey and disappointing at the end.

This time I had an absolute blast, playing them back to back was so much better than playing them years apart. I even largely enjoyed 3, the additional of some DLC made it better and knowing the ending ahead of time went a long way to keeping my expectations level.

But the peeve is that now I feel empty inside, because I want to keep exploring the galaxy with Shepard and co but it’s all over :frowning:

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