Pet Peeve: The Undying

You can’t convince me that the Citadel DLC wasn’t one of the best DLCs to exist in ever.

I too feel this emptiness after playing ME1-3 and it hurts.


Citadel was a fantastic bit of DLC, even if the main story section was a bit memey at times. The events taking place were pretty serious but the crew seemed to not care all that much and were quipping back and forth.

I suppose in the face of the reapers, it was a relatively chill situation for them.

The party though, what a great bit of content that was. I wasn’t sure how to play it out, I started out with a chilled out party but everyone seemed bored so I cranked it up and it got interesting. Seeing Grunt sitting under the shower drunk out of his mind was absolutely brilliant.

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Had it happen to me twice so far.

Totally legit system right guys?

Nothing at all to do with so many lay offs recently.


Or seeing Javik in a similar situation in another part of the apartment rambling about conquering the Galaxy. I also started off with chilled out music then went for the higher intensity afterwards. I loved the Party bit so much and I wish it could’ve lasted longer.

Oh Javik.

See the first time I played it I didn’t have any of the DLC, which is annoying because Javik seems like such a big part of the overall story now that I’ve played it with him in. He should have been in the base game for sure.

I remember the Christmas following ME3’s release I bought ME1 and played the entire trilogy, but didn’t have the DLC’s which I really regret because they add on so much, as well as the effects they can have in the following games. In fact, I remember not even knowing what got Shepard detained in ME3 in the first place, only to learn it was from the DLC in ME2.

So naturally I ended up getting all the big DLCs for each game and played through the trilogy again, and it really felt like a new experience to be fully honest.

See, I never played the Arrival DLC in ME2 the first time around either so when ME3 came out I also had no idea why Shepard was suddenly being detained. I assumed it was because of his involvement with Cerberus, but then they started talking about how he’d allegedly destroyed a relay.

Things like this should not be DLC, not if they are integral to the plot.


If you never played Arrival, it is because of Cerberus association. The relay destruction line only shows up if you played Arrival.

But I do agree that Arrival was pretty damn important and should’ve not been left to DLC.


Yeah I just realised that after I posted it. I remember that I didn’t have my original save for ME2 because I had a computer issue at the time, so I had to construct a save using some weird tool and there was a question on there about the decision made by Shepard for Arrival. I must have just put something in there as a guess.

Makes sense now.

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Considering in ME3 I was wandering around like “Wow, there sure aren’t many Bataarians around anymore… huh.” Then I talked to a friend about it and he broke the news to me.


Also, Mass Effect 3 related peeve. Kai Leng. What a trash character he is. That whole Cerberus plot line would have been just as good if they hadn’t included him in there, the Illusive Man is enough of an antagonist without adding an edgy space ninja in.


The plot line almost makes one hate him as much as the Reapers, almost.

The Reaper roar still give me chills and a desire to Rip them apart :heart:


I actually had to look up what happened to him as I don’t remember. Marauder Shields > Kai Leng.

When I finished yesterday I actually legit got killed by Maurader Shields. I kept whiffing my shots and he recovered and riddled me.

Alternative ending to the trilogy.

I am glad I missed Andromeda, the ending of ME3 was enough of a let down, Andromeda would spoil the series for me.

Related Pet peeve to Mass Effect 3: not enough scenes with soverign class Reapers getting wrecked… I’d have loved to see atleast one those Turian Dreadnaughts jump out of FTL and ram into the rear of a Reaper as is mentioned in the codex.


Sounds like an improvement.

I always liked my multiplayer volus character, and wished there had been one in the main party. I like the little cyber moles.

teleports behind you wielding cyber katana

omae wa mou shindeiru


[Renegade action prompt]