Pet Peeve: The Undying

Implications of a large scale Tortollan crime syndicate that “accidentally” find items inside people’s banks?

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She told me that the priest was useless when it was their hands

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She told me I was her favourite.

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The Duality of Woman

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Elves being redicilously shorter than the model and labeling themselves “petite”, what’s up with that? That’s not petite, it’s being an elf with dwarfism


There’s too many hills in Scottish towns. Going to grab some shopping quickly turns into a wheezing ascent up Blackrock mountain, I just wanted to grab a pint of milk not loot the heart of fire.

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A Dwelf?

One could say

A Dwemer.


UwU tiny elf priest 3’10" cutie patootie lf walk up rp UwU


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It’s good for your health!

+1 for thaiwanese saturday morning slide-show posting tbqh, a very muscular post and reference

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I was peeved by this as well until I did that part as non-priest. Priests don’t actually need to pick up Xal’atath unlike the pleb non-priests and the tortollan makes no mention of finding it because obviously you have it already. They did actually think this through.

But the implication is some pleb went into my bank and stole my knifu.

I mean what? Where is player agency in that?

Banks are run by goblins

That’s just in the non-priest timeline (obviously non-canon). If you are a priest, it never implies that it was stolen. Just compare these quest texts!

My Peeve is blizz making pandaren on pandaria occasionally speak with a Southern drawl. Being all y’all and such.

What the heck is up with that. You have pandaren in the same region who have wildly different accents. It’s freaking wierd.

If they’d had made it so this accent was native to the valley and explained as such I’d let it slide. But you hear these southern pandaren in various zones. Please explain blizzard. Is this a thing or just your way of signifying the pandaren in question is a farmer (because we all know all farmers come from the South obviously).

Also on subject of accents why do all orcs sound the freaking same. You have orcs all over draenor in the AU and there’s no difference in how they sound or speak. Orcs really suffer from abysmal voice actibg. They have four options as males: generic (thrall and Co), angry (Garrosh and quiet (Gul Dan) and Peon and that’s it.

Ah of course, the priest timeline is the true timeline.


You got fat

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Southern Valley of the Four Winds.

There you go, I helped.

I got W I D E