Pet Peeve: The Undying

Speaking of FoS achievements; I think they should still be searchable on your achievement tabs but just not listed for obvious reasons.

Namely, Herald of the Titans because since last hot fix has screwed up some of the ilevels on my herald’s character and i wanted to check it was still 100 ilevel.

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Also peeve; my computer has been updating for several hours and I’m stuck typing on my phone like a console peasant!

Related, but my windows updates always clog my SSD with several gigs of trash needing cleaning and I’m consistently ending up with less and less space by the end of it.

Okay so I beat Jaina, neat.

I like how they made fun of the ENOUGH! meme a few quests ago but then they unironically have her do the same thing. It’s only funny to be self-aware of your own tropes if you stop doing those tropes, Blizzard.

Oh, and let’s make a boss with blue AoEs fight on a blue platform with a blue fog effect on your screen. Jesus Christ, I know I’m peeving hard right now but I forgot how abysmal WoW could get with visual clarity regarding GET OUT OF THIS death fields. Same with that second elemental boss where you have to spot puddles under the feet of all the melee to avoid damage.

At least it was LFR so the zones just tickled but if I was pushing heroic or mythic and I died to something I can barely see due to horrible colour choice or visual clutter I’d be pissed. By contrast Wildstar and FFXIV both made enemy AoEs stand out significanly (The former had bright red fields for anything hostile and damaging, the latter orange), making them impossible to miss. WoW’s insistence on vague swirlies that MIGHT be good or MIGHT be bad and is inconsistent between bosses is just frustrating.


Velen nuking Talgath should’ve been the end of the Enough trope forevermore.


Also a serious pet peeve I just noticed. Why are the achivement points so screwed on the new forums? Instead of showing the accountwide achivement points, it shows the character specific ones.

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its also the only legacy one thats not accountwide

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Because your trust level and posting stats are character specific. It damn near made me quit altposting entirely.

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Its a -really- dumb decision. I have two Vixi’s, one as my pet battler main, and then this as my forum main. Then I have swapped between a few characters in term of rp and PvE main, but currently its my druid.

Yet this Vixi is essentially my forum character, and the one I got trust 2 on so far. It feels like you’re getting punished for having alts :confused:

That’s my secret cap

I was alt posting since the beginning :spy:


I thought I might swap forum characters since I barely actually play this one anymore but then I’d lose my hard won freedoms. Peeve Almighty, I hate these new forums.


True sneaks doesn’t altpost only, but alt-like your own posts to +30

yeah in ten letters


Watching those likes grow made me chuckle.

Oh :poop: I exposed my alts, I’m actually an Alliance player

Such an unforgivable act of betrayal!

Horde bias :triumph: :japanese_goblin: :angry:

Tfw I am now an alt of Telaryn.


We are all Telaryn’s alts.

I am Duskar


Too busy helping people find their trust levels (that’s not a peeve, I like trying to be helpful) that I accidentally queued for WoD dungeons and not time walking.

Because i am a dumb person, I didn’t even question why the queue was taking so long.