Pet Peeve: The Undying

What quest is that?

Also, peeve: the phrase “theater of the mind”. Fine, you like running D&D combat without tactical maps. But could you at least make it sound less pretentious?

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Back in Legion, Talgath tried to flee Velen and us with the “Enough!” BS, Velen then stopped him with chains of Light and went all “No, this ends now!” before murdering him.

Skip to 18:10


I’ve never understood a preference for no-map DnD myself. What’s the point of having move speeds in 5’ increments and spell ranges etc. etc. if you’re just gonna put it all down to vague guesswork?

It might be able to work for other TTRPGs but DnD just seems too mechanically tied into battlemaps to do away with them.

Gallywyx Vs Mekatorque’s quest earlier in the campaign, very shortly before the Jaina part even. Gally gets stunned while Meka flies away in a bubble. The former then comments on the flight that now he knows how you feel.

Eeeeeh as long as there’s a rough grid or the space we’re actually in is so small that range hardly matters I can deal with no maps. For anything larger scale than maybe a 40x40ft room however I kind of need to know exactly where people are standing and all…

Gelbin also has an immortality bubble forcefield called his P.L.O.T. shield or something. Gallywix also meta muses on how the azerite war is all his own fault and goes MEH! It’s a fantastic questline.

The only problem with the quest is that lampshading it doesn’t excuse the trope.

It absolutely doesn’t and I’d love it if it were the only instance of such nonsense after Talgath.

I like to think Gally was having a genuine moment of thought, but quickly covered it up to not look sappy. Kinda hard to tell without voice acting.

It would have been fine for me except, as mentioned, the trope immediately played out with Jaina. And Mekatorque. The only difference was no stun was involved. RIGHT after a quest where they poked fun at it.

Well he’s clearly introspective enough to have confidence issues and needs reassuring reinforcement. Going MEH at mistakes is a decent coping mechanism.

And now I have to wait 12 hours for a mission to finish so I can continue the campaign.

Game design!

Would’ve been stupid if he felt guilty, both from a character perspective and a factual one. Azerite is sprouting up globally. The war would’ve happened regardless.

I don’t even understand this, can someone explain.

Eh, maybe not necessarily full on guilt. To me it came off as a realisation and a pondering aloud. And he was the one to rapidly start digging it up and push for it to be weaponised before the Alliance, or anyone else on the Horde for that matter. Butterfly effect is a :dog2: , for all we know if someone else found Azerite and used it before anyone else Stormwind could have been nuked first, or it would be used to cure world hunger.

Since about… I want to say MoP? Blizzard had a growing tendancy for NPCs you fight to shout ENOUGH! and stun you when they hit 1% HP or close to it. Sometimes a stun isn’t even involved and they just turn invulnerable, same deal. Then they’d have a monologue and run off leaving you standing there like a muppet. This reached a peak in Legion, where the trope got debunked by Velen who broke the stun and executed an eredar like a badass.

Unfortunately the trope has resurfaced heavily in BfA, got made fun of more directly by the quest writers, but then used twice after that.

I recall Gorak Tul literally screaming ENOUGH!

Then doing exactly what you described.


Though to note it really began in WoTLK most famously Mal’ganis did this THREE times across the expansion.

That was a really great moment imo. Defied the trope well.

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It’s like a complaint over bad RP and godemoting and the other guy knows he’s doing it and meta memes it while never changing.

“what do you mean we can’t blight settlements in rp?”

Funny that, giving one race a military advantage simply by not giving a crap about civilians and flippant in their use of chemical weapons. When there’s no real equivalent, what do you do? Canonical gnome killsat?

Just slap them on ignore like I do, and encourage everyone else to.

Idiot is sitting on my chest.Kitty, I’m levelling!