Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah, the ‘ENOUGH!’ meme of Blizz’s really gets old. We get it, you want to make use of a villain more than just a few short quests.

Design better quest chains, then! Don’t have your villains get square in harms way like morons, and relying on plot armour every single darn time.

It was interesting in FF14 when the first ‘mysterious foe’ actually… y’know…fought and died? I got the satisfaction of killing off the guy who has been mocking me for a bunch of quests, and the deeper mystery of ‘Who was he?’ ‘Who is his boss?’ ‘What the heck is going on here??’

Massive peeve; the more I play FF14 the more it keeps casting massive shade on WoW.

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If they dont want their villians to die early, then they shouldn’t put them in situations where they would die/be defeated if it wasnt for the “ENOUGH” loldodge.

Do it Arthas/Lich King style if they want to show the villian off, by having it appear either as images via magical communication, like queen Azshara shrine, or appear but not activly fighting us, instead sending in a henchman to do it.

It honestly comes off better, atleast for me.

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Mega peeves IRL:

  1. Put a Pokemon into a gym and get knocked out two minutes later in Go D:<

  2. “We tried to deliver a parce-” NO YOU DIDN’T YOU DID NAE KNOCK.

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Or have the opponent be very powerful, where direct conflict would be best avoided, so you don’t get completely obliterated.

At least, I think there were instances in Wrath where you did see LK in the flesh, but best avoided him or he’d rake you ten times over.

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I would be fine with that as well, yeah.

And yeah he pops up atleast once or twice in nearly every zone, sometimes in person.

Peeve: Levitate sparkling.

I know this is crazy but hear me out, okay? What if… what if I’m a shadow priest?

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Mobile phone contracts. Don’t do them kids, just buy the handset outright and get a Data only SIM.

I was convinced by friends to just get a contract that included a phone and now for my trouble I’m stuck with my crappy 1GB of Data per month plan at £15 per month. If I went SIM only with literally any other provider I could be getting 5-10x as much data month for less.

I just want to pay off the remainder of the phone and ditch EE for Virgin/Tesco/Literally anyone else, but ofc they have an ‘early cancellation’ fee which is your monthly bill x remaining number of months. If it was a portion of that, fine, but they want the full amount at £280+. Otherwise I’m stuck with it until August. 2020.

Why in gods name did I let my friends talk me into getting a contract again? Especially such a terrible one.

Or how the Weeb-Arthas in Stormblood absolutely kicks your teeth in early on. You lose outright, you only live because he finds you amusing. No stun. iirc you don’t even dent his HP much and all his stuff near insta-kills.

Skip forward to the last dungeon in the base expansion and his stuff deals less damage and you can beat him. And it felt good.


My phone company keeps phoning like, “are you sure we can’t interest you in a contract deal?”


Atleast the contracts that forced you/bound you to stick to them regardless if you got a phone in it or not is mostly gone, right? I recall those from a few years back, where you were by law forced to stay in it for like…anywhere btween 3 months to a year, regardless of how crappy it was or if they changed things during.

Technically true. Here I can leave, but only after paying for the remaining months upfront. It’s stupid.

Especially when I can get 10GB a month from Virgin Media for £10 a month right now if I could ditch EE without issue.

I -can- upgrade to Data Only SIM on my current contrac, paying off the phone + an “early upgrade fee”. But that takes my bill down to a whopping £14 a month. A whole £1 of savings!

I’d save more just waiting out the contract long term rather than paying the fee. Bastards.

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Some of my characters have had class changes so many times that I forget who they are now.

I’ve been calling my paladin my rogue’s name

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Pretty much why I ask my dogs opinion on my friends opinions. Her reaction, being a dog and all, is to ignore my babbling.

So I ignore theirs.
Dogs are wise.

Peeve: that blasted old god eye thingie blocks helmets from showing.
The plate armour from Zandalar looks so much better than the leather one, especially the helm.
The weather can’t decide whether it’s hot or cold. Dress for hot, freeze to death. Put another layer on, burn in the fires of hell.

Pick one nature. Pick one.

“Oh hey it’s sunny outside, maybe I don’t have to wear a coat when I go out today” Freezes to death

Did antorus HC twice for either the red robe or mage tier top.

So that was 2x chance on robe, x2 with coins (4 chances). No robe.
2x on mage chest which didn’t drop (drop and coin).
4x chance on last boss (2x drop, 2x coin). Didn’t drop.

Ok so I try a different set, think I’ll get the shoulders from LFR.

Didn’t drop.


THis bothers me too, how many elves haven’t I encountered that are “human” height.

Like no, you’re a night elf, not a void/high/blood elf.

Yes we do, we can blame the left-whiners and the right-winged idiots for this, the vast majority does not use, or see the use of the :ok_hand: as a white supremacy/nationalist symbol, and Blizzard going with this is Blizzard giving in to what a minority of whiners want.

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Peeves me that they’re smaller tbf

Yeah, once you get off the internet it’s not really common dog to regard it as white power. People still freely make the gesture to indicate “O.K” or “that’s good.”

Buying into internet identity politics and thinking it’s as widespread as it is on the internet is the biggest dumbo move of current year.


Are the frog and clown really bad symbols now? What did I miss…

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We are living in an age where most people are so wrapped up in their social medias, that they lose grip on reality.

I will admit I can be a bit guilty of that at times, when I have a saucy take on something (We all have those moments), but I do avoid social medias for the most part.

… Though I can’t help but feel amused when I see people jump around claiming that a cartoon frog is the symbol of a resurrected Aydulf Hayler. It’s like watching old people discovering Youtube for the first time and start sending cat videos to your direction.

4chan pretended they were racist and the mainstream fools fell for it, basically