Pet Peeve: The Undying

I try to forget that Kai Leng existed. As far as I’m concerned, Thane killed him during their 1v1. Imagine getting embarrassed by a terminally ill drell.

Virgin Ceberus Agent vs Chad Drell Assassin


I think I remember reading that they intended Kai Leng to be the Anti-Shepard, like “what if someone of Shepard’s skills/similar backstory but they were a bad guy”

Ignoring that we kinda did that plot already in ME1 with Saren, they super failed on the execution if that was the intention with him.


I think Kai Leng is the character I’ve hated the most in video games pretty much ever. And not for good reasons that you want, but because of trash writing whenever he is included.

Some of my biggest issues with him was first the whole thing that alot of writers do, they hype things up the wrong way.

If they wanted Kai Leng to be a menacing threat, they should have shown him as such. Not have all your allies go “Oh no, not Kai Leng, the super ultra badass, how can we ever beat him?” Im paraphrasing, but that was the basic gist of him, being told how great he is without seeing it.

Because when we did see him, he was only special in the cutscenes, by making shepard and everyone else worse during those specific cutscenes. I will never forget the stupid gun fumble when shepard should have dealt with that in minutes, if not seconds.

Whenever he was actually fought, he was one of the easiest “boss” characters in the trilogy.

My other annyoance was that he had zero personality and was just boring.

I just think, ‘If Kai Leng was so great, why wasn’t he on the suicide mission team?’


Because space ninja can do no wrong, so cant obvs be sent on a suicide mission.

It would have worked a lot better if he was designed to be more of a parallel to Shepard. The peerless soldier, not a space ninja who jumps around more than a demon hunter

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As Elenthas said, they did have that with Saren a bit. And of course evil clone shepard, so there wasnt really a need for another anti/parallel one to begin with, but I agree.

They could have done far more interesting things with him.

The true twist would be a villainous Miranda, still loyal to her benefactor, the Illusive Man. Would have some interesting scope for difficult decisions; do you kill her or let her go? Does she try to convince Shepard to join them again, or try to kill him at first sight? All depending on your interactions with her in ME2.

Especially interesting if you banged, OK.


This talk about ME gives me the idea of finishing a renegade playthrough of the entire trilogy. I’m not sure at what point I stopped playing that…

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That would honestly have been fairly interesting. Especially since I consider Miranda to be one of the dullest companions/characters along with Jacob. They are very cookie-cutter characters. Otherwise most of the ME2 crew had alot of fun characteristics.

And I have heard talks about how Kai Leng could instead have been the one you left behind in ME1, either Ashley or Aidan. That would have been more interesting too.

Ive never done a full renegade, I end up feeling bad for the characters/my actions :frowning:

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ME3 ties up most of the stories and plots really well. The Geth and the Quarians, the Genophage, most of the companions.

Stuff like the fall of Thessia is really poignant, but it’s a shame that the game has a few glaring issues (like the weeaboo already discussed).

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At least it’s not strictly about being evil, like in KoTOR.

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Also, a ME peeve hit me now, regarding the ending of ME3. Its a peeve that the “Destroy” ending is alot of the times considered the bad one, when I think it is the only viably good one.

It is nice to have peace & harmony with synthetics, and I always work on fixing things between the quarians & Geth. BUT!

The reapers aren’t just misguided. They have several times throughout the games, with Sovereign and Harbinger both, shown to be fully aware of their actions and specifically malicious in nature, activly seeking to cause harm and distress, and delight in both the fear and misery they cause.

And the Intelligence could be lying it’s artifical butt of to survive, but even if it wasnt, the reapers are fully awarely -evil-. So the only solution should be to destroy them.

Edit: I love the ME games and I love in rpgs where there might be more to the whole black/white thing than shown. But it becomes weird trying to work in some sort of peace/“oh this was a misstake” when the enemy has been canonically set up/proven to be pure, undisputably evil.

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:sunglasses:so what colour ending did you guys pick in ME3?:sunglasses:

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Here I am having never played the ME2-3 DLC because they still insist on making me buy Bioware bux first.

I picked red except that’s not the true ending (I blame the Reapers) because the Citadel DLC was the true ending.

And I will hear nothing to the contrary.


No filthy reapers alive, red.

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Green. Synthesis best option, except that Shepard dies. Reminder that red also genocides the Geth and they are good boys.