Pet Peeve: The Undying

Which in turn prompted real racists to adopt them. And we debated the merits of the mainstream fools “acknowledging it vs not acknoweldging it” in the first place.


I mean you don’t even need to look to social media, a cursory look across Argent Dawn as a whole shows the microcosm of the internet and an utter lack of self-awareness from many denizens.

And I’m not just talking of one side, I’m talking of both lunatic fringes.

Blizzard themselves are basically shovelling themselves into their graves at an accelerated pace by even entertaining such madness. As is anyone who partakes in similar actions.
When the cultural wave shifts there will be tens of thousands, maybe more who will be pulled in the undertow, to the point it will make any ardent totalitarian blush.


I learned the Eurovision songfestival still exists… it peeves me.


Literally never heard of :ok_hand: being a white power thing. As a person of colour I’ll continue using it happily.
If anyone wants an :ok_hand: pass they can hit me up


Give me an :ok_hand: pass, please.

Also, when they mean person of colour, do they specifically mean black people or is it a catchphrase for all non-white people?

It’s snowing. That’s not okay.

Also I went to bed yesterday feeling terribly tired but struggled to fall asleep for what felt like at least half an hour. Only to wake up an hour later for unknown reasons.

This is not acceptable.

Yeah, PoC is essentially a boiling down to “Anyone not white”. Although one could argue that white is also a skin color, but I imagine there would be some vitriolic disagreements thrown in my direction if I told that to the wrong kind if people.




Ugh, a case of “I’m not white so I can’t be racist” among those people, I guess :<

Anyway, thanks for the clarification!

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Greatest Kingdom to have ever graced this world.


Take my snow that came down ealier this week

Ewww old snow, git out.

The only off-season snow I have seen, is in a town further northwest from my town, where it’s practically a real mountain town. Old-fashioned, quaint, and the location for a popular natural skii slope in Slovenia.

Meanwhile there is no snow everywhere else. Geographical climate differences really are funny, aren’t they?


At least it’s far too warm for it to stay on the ground.
Next week is supposed to be like 18-20 degrees. Feels like the appropriate clothing style is a warm jacket and shorts.

And here I am, walking in shorts, sleeveless T-shirt and sandals.

But you have hooves, you don’t need sandals! :smiley:

As someone who studies linguistics within history in the context of societies I can assure you this has almost nothing to do with social media. We’re just going through another moral panic as we have been ever since the Witch Trials, you know they used to put dogs and cats on trials during those times as they were suspected to be possessed by the devil.

Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? Well that’s also really the same logic employed towards the ok hand sign and pepe being symbols of White Supremacy today.

Most people generally don’t believe in these things but they also act as a conformist in these situations because if you speak out against it you risk social and even sometimes fiscal alienation.

Very interesting case written in the book called The Witch Persecutions by George Burr about a case in Bamberg in which the accused writes a letter to his son [probably a sympathetic guard helped to smuggle the letter out of the prison] in which he states

The executioners, the jailors and the people who accused me all know I’m innocent but they’re afraid to speak or intervene in some way to help me because then they would be accused of being or consorting with a witch

We also see something like this today, if you speak in defense of someone who is accused of being in league with the Alt-Right then you yourself are accused of being a racist sympathizer.

Y’all are really harsh on people assigning certain meanings to emoji communication when it’s really easy to identify thousands of words that were originally considered benign or unrelated to a subject that are now considered unacceptable to say because of their connotations with bigotry.

This is TYOOL two thousand and nineteen; emoji are a form of communication these days too


I personally have no true political leanings, though I am feeling sympathetic towards the Republican party, because the Democratic party seems like a worse evil to lean towards. It’s why I am really outspoken against it and anything it tries to “Stand up for”, as it all seems very disingenuous.

I know the middle ages were a simpler time, but come on now, that does sound kind of silly.
“Do YOU, Mr Bigglesworth, admit to a jury of your peers, that you have communed with the Devil in our holiest of places!?”
“Meow? starts purring
“I take that as a yes!”

I don’t know, I feel like there is a fairly substantial pushback being formed against the trend of “Everything is -ist and -phobic, and so are you!”. But maybe it’s just me living in a country that is actually normal and doesn’t have made-up laws that serve only to coddle certain individuals (Beyond the laws of “Don’t assault, steal or kill”, which I am certain are a standard for all civilized countries)

Well, it certainly does feel like that the only people who actually go around calling people Alt-Right or whatever, are the Alt-Left (Heheh), and people who simply don’t know any better, and are living some kind of blissful ignorance to things.

I love white people, and I love being white.

You. Me. :point_right::ok_hand:

Same, I stay out of politics as I agree with different arguments on different sides, and even then, I’ve never even cared for politics and absolutely despise it.

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