Pet Peeve: The Undying

Yeah, we can tell.

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And there’s nothing wrong with it.

It only becomes an issue, in my opinion, when you start believing that your skin color makes you superior over people with different skin color.


That was actually the most tame example I could put up. They also put plants and corpses up to stand as witnesses.

No your right there is a substantial pushback against this in large part due to mass comunication brought to you by the internet. This is also why you see governments such as China [though they’re not the only ones trying this] trying to control the internet more.

Spot on.

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This. Very much this.

The statement was pretty much inspired by what Stonetower said, that there are words now considered bigoted or something along those lines. I imagine some people would like to imply that loving your race, as a white person, is “Racist”.

Tubri may not hear the sound but he sure does love blowing that dog whistle


Sure (and I agree) but it’s a bit of a weird flex on a video game forum. I doubt people here are seriously bothered if you are white, love white people and love being white.

Also what happened to:


I did it in jest :stuck_out_tongue: For the most part, anyway.

I do stay out of politics.

That doesn’t mean I don’t find people stupid with their whole ‘‘cant be proud of being white’’ etc, as it’s such a stupid thing. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m a very logical person in my way of thinking, and that way doesn’t sound logical to me. ^^

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If you want to think logically about it, consider the question, “Why would one be proud of being white?” - then think about the implications of the possible answers.


Point is really, that one shouldn’t be called names for saying such.

I sure as hek won’t go say that I’m proud of being white, as there is literally nothing to be proud of. You were born this way and you can’t really change it (in a natural fashion).

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Well in your defense what we’re talking about isn’t strictly political, to sound like an intellectual what we’re talking about is Linguistic Anthropology.

I probably shouldn’t have mentioned governments earlier but generally these moral panics do tend to originate from institutions of power so it was the closet thing I could think of. But I’m starting to sound like Alex Jones so I’ll stop here.

The lack of cloth gear that gives a Dwarven vibe angers me to my molten core. I would wear the sensual heritage armour and rock that Chaos Sorcerer look but that’s not very creative, is it?

So I am reduced to wearing this party clown outfit, this mutant Velen cosplay. Give us more Dwarven looking cloth gear!

Also uh, this thread is dog whistle central. Holy mackerel. Imagine comparing the freaking sexist witch trials to the perfectly accurate statement that the ok symbol is used by white supremacists as a little not so secret gesture to each other.

Muh both sides up in here too.

Leftist: I want people to have access to education, healthcare, food and housing regardless of race, gender, sexuality or
financial status

Chud: I want to kill those people and establish a white ethnic-state.

Centrist: I can’t tell the difference, guys!


Sexist witch trials, ignoring the fact men, children and animals where also killed because they where witches or aligned with witches.

So White supremacists hijacked :ok_hand: meaning we can’t use that anymore, but no, I refuse to bend with this whining minority that’s offended because a white supremacy group hijacks a innocent symbol.

You’re very black-and-white in your views, it seems.

EDIT: We’re gonna get this thread locked, guys :3

The witch trials included both men and women, the witch I referred to was a Father writing to his son. Though there were instances where the women accused was sexually exploited but the accusations were thrown at people of both genders.

Also if you want I can refer to the previous moral panic which was the Satanic panic, my example still won’t be that different because as I already said most of these panics are more or less the same as the ones before it.

Wasn’t grape a standard torture technique to convince women to admit to their crime back in ye olde days?

Probably but there were other ways such as poking at the moles to see if they would bleed or not [if they didn’t bleed it was proof that a devil/demon/familiar would suckle on them]

The witch trials were crazy times, just as crazy as the Alt-Panic we live in [again why I mentioned it] I mean I probably sound quite serious in my posts but I’m actually laughing hysterically about it. Especially since in 10 years time or probably sooner we’ll all be saying ‘Oh yeah people were stupid and thought White supremacists were everywhere’.

I know people will think I’m being ignorant or something but I’m warning you this is exactly the same thinking people used during the Satanic panic and we don’t look at that too seriously anymore now do we?

Use the Arcane Robes and work from there, despite being black/blue and no red, it REALLY fits dark irons well

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It’s fine, I was mainly responding to Tubris shenanigans. :3

And I can tell ya right now, I have no idea what Linguistic Anthropology is! \o/

Oh well simply put it’s the study of languages within societies.

It’s a passion of mine which is why I tend to carry on about so I suppose I should apologize to OP about that, but it’s all too exciting for me!

I should probably name a peeve I have at the moment to show how earnest I am, ok that Vortex dungeon in Cataclysm. That one always gives me a headache when I play it.

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I’m at a crossroads with my alts.

So i made a mag’har shaman because i really want a frostwolf, but I have 3 shaman already and I’m not too keen on the class as a whole. I could roll her into a frost mage but that would mean doing a Kump and using the wolf head that has 3 pixels at the most and I’m not sure that I really want to do that.

Also there’s what to wear, I’m hoping that when Blizz loosens the transmog restrictions, that’ll mean I can mog the frost wolf set on anybody but we still got a hat problem.

Also, I don’t like mage all that much.

Moving on, I remade vessine, she’s now a rogue (because i originally wanted her to be a geist) but you know what? I am really not that keen on rogues, though currently they rank up higher than shaman (and mage) plus i have a ton of rogues already. So do I really want to keep her?

Which also leads me to, do I remake my void elf rogue into a hunter because I actually have a hunter set i want to wear on said character? Even though, she’ll be an alliance replica of my blood elf hunter, because the fearless set is actually amazing. That and my alliance heralds alt in a void elf hunter.

EDIT: Also, speaking of mage and my relationship with it, I really want a Nightborne mage, even though - as stated already - mage is my least favourite class.