Pet Peeve: The Undying

They really should’ve added that Frostwolf helmet from WoD for the Frostwolf Heritage… They didn’t add it in WoD as it was only made to fit Orcs. Well, this was their chance to bloody add it!

They should have! But just like a lot of things in WoD, its wasted potential.

Thing with keeping the shaman, is there’s a mail wolf head that came with Mop that isn’t 3 pixels… but its mail only, URGH!

Headdress of the First Shaman one from Archaeology?

That one’s still 3 pixels, but in grey. Okay, its better looking than 3 pixels but it is still mail only

I actually meant;

Which while STILL mail only, at least its prettier.

Ooooh yeah, that one.

I think i’m just going to go ahead and delete these characters.

I have plenty to level already, if i still want them after I’ve gotten through my current batch, I’ll remake them.

Oh, this is totally intentional. They did the same for MoP, Wildstar, GW2, etc. Though those were expansion releases, I don’t feel like a patch (even once as meaty as 8.2) is going to complete with the avalanche of content Shadowbringers is giving us.

Also I have so many characters at or around max level, but I’ve got no motivation to RP with any of them and it’s bumming me out. I can’t think of anything fun to do with them, it’s like having too many outfits and nowhere to wear them out to.

Well, I know one thing. During May, and throughout June I’ll be busy playing other games.

Yakuza Kiwami 2’s coming to PC on May 9th, so that’s gonna take my time for a few weeks. Then there’s Warhammer Chaosbane dropping on June 4th, which also will take my time. And in between, there’ll be The Division 2 and some other miscellaneous games that I’ll spend time playing.

World of Warcraft is really far off my radar, and 8.2 sounds exciting, but I doubt I’ll give it too much mind (As I still don’t feel motivated to play the game)

If the :ok_hand: is now forbidden because White Supremacists have used it then I have a few concerning facts for those so far on the left they consider it an issue.

White Supremacists have been known to eat vegan food, drink milk, drive auto-mobiles, use the internet, read comic books, drink soy, go to Starbucks and many, many more things.

Good luck finding things to do, once we start banning them because a bad person might use them.


When the concept of driving cars becomes used as a symbol of white supremacism, then there is a debate to be had.

Until then, you seem to be missing the point.


The :ok_hand: is a gesture used around the world to mean various things, even in countries that have little to no white people.

Some people just don’t want to admit that they got trolled hard by 4chan.


The swastika was not invented by racists either.

Schroedinger’s racism is not a defense. 4chan tends to only claim they were trolling/sarcasm once they get called out on it. Poe’s law is in heavy effect here.


I know this is a while back now but hit up Blackrock Foundry heroic for the mage appearing tier set (as I am advertising) would look great for a dark iron! Only thing is as a lock you won’t be able to use tier tokens to cheese the drops (I luckily got all the big visual pieces sans belt in one run. ). Edit: heroic Highmaul as well for some bits.

Farmed the hell out of that place for all my fiery blackrock orc armours and weps and they would look great on DIs as well.


Mechagon. Or rather. The theme.

I am usually a big fan of post apocalyptic junker town themes like we see in Fallout or Mad Max.

Adding gnomes to that just doesnt sit right with me. I think allot of the gameplay that is promised there sounds good, but the gnome theme just kills it for me completely.

I am happy for the people who enjoy gnomes and their themes. But it really kills my excitement for this patch, considering I’ll spend most of my time in a gnome zone, working on gnome junk tech, having to deal with gnome antics and seeing gnomes walk around all day every day.

I hate gnomes.

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I hate you and your stinkin’ gnome hate! :'c

Fite me!

Honestly I am happy for the Gnome fans. Just not my cup of tea. But who knows. Maybe Mechagone will change my mind.

We’ll do nothing until it is too late.

Not in this case

Also, funny enough, the swastika isn’t censored.

Low level dungeon leveling continues to feel like herding very confused cats. If people would just actually pay attention it would be helpful.
Also there is way too many people who are struggling with their class even at level 30. Hit Fists of Fury, will you?

Medieval reality TV.