Pet Peeve: The Undying

60 Players in queue to even get to the main menu in Overwatch. What this this craaap? Did they gut server capacity to save costs while I wasn’t looking?

The log in servers are busted again.

I guess I’m doing something else tonight, then. I do need to write a few characters and trawl for random RP.

I’m tired, but I don’t want to go to bed for another hour or I’ll get a rude awakening at 4 because I didn’t feed somebody.

EDIT: Some idiot doesn’t understand that if I put food down now, he can come back to it and eat it when he’s hungry later.

I am too busy thinking about Yakuza 2 to be able to fall asleep…

Waiting a month is going to be hard. And I don’t think binge-watching Supernatural is gonna tie me over.

It’s so cold. My feet feel like ice cubes.

Parcelfore tried to deliver something to me yesterday. They didn’t leave it in either my blue or brown bin, in my unlocked shed, or with a neighbour. Instead they dropped it off at a post office 35 minutes walk away (skipping over at least two closer post offices).

So I went on a little stroll today to pick it up only to find out that my package isn’t there and they don’t know where it is.

Thanks for wasting my time parcelforce, you’re super good.


Well, you know, too each their own, you don’t have to go to Mechagon.

Besides, we’ve suffered through almost one Troll patch every expansion, atleast throw us gnomekind (and the techy gobo’s and dwarves) a bone too, once in a while.



Pet Peeve: All of my favourite English voice actors are more than likely sex pests.


I suppose the hate bowner for 3D art also peeves me in general of late. Sure a lot of it is just using ripped WoW models, but plenty of it features heavy model changes, edits, envrionment modelling, lighting, rigging (WoW model rips are often missing rigging entirely), completely re-doing textures because WoW’s are super low res, yadda yadda. That’s a lot of work and is on par with just making a new model from scratch that happens to resemble XYZ playable race model.

Draw a 2D novice sketch in 20mins and you get praised, spend several days putting a 3D art piece together and people outright accuse you of “just stealing assets and posing them” even if it’s 100% originally made. ¬¬

Ye boi, time for a pet peeve.

This weird logic where people blame the hammer and not the wielder for striking.

First game of dbd and I get farmed by my team.

Thanks guys!

I want to racechange two characters but it’s too expensive. I can’t not eat.

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Looks at two free race changes sitting on every single FFXIV character he owns

Looks at £5 price tage for a race change

Looks at literally every service that is far cheaper than WoWs

It’s pretty daft isn’t it? Before the leveling nerfs I’d just delete and level a new character.

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It’s a calculated sacrifice that I thus far make willingly so as to pursue character concepts in my artistic vision! Brief, often experimental visions that don’t work out with actual people due to high concept alienating my creations into obscurity and the cycle begins anew.

I’m totally a whale. Totally.

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another dbd peeve; every time I blink, they reset the rank system!

I wouldn’t mind so much if every game in the low ranks wasn’t two survivors doing all the gens while the other two stay urban immersed at the top of the Thompson House spinning in circles!

I can see you two up there, I have the empathy perk, you could at least heal each other and then go bait the killer away from the gen jockeys.

What is this?

dead by daylight

EDIT: Or sometimes lovinlgly renamed to; “bugged by daylight”

Destiny being Dark? Hmmm

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Dingos Bring Dread

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