Pet Peeve: The Undying

I wouldn’t get too upset by this. Gamemaking and storytelling is a process and I wouldn’t bend to a few internet muppets screeching on the story forum, twitter and facebook about the essjaydubjoos ruining WoW with feminism because a character now wears armour rather than a halter top.

Everything needs context and sense, and I don’t get the reactionary reflex looking at this. It doesn’t say “we don’t listen to any feedback, shut up and pay, nerds!”. It says that they don’t design WoW by internet committee, which is just regular basic sanity.

Peeve: they still totally don’t give a frozen finnish fishstick about what much of the playerbase thinks, forever beholden to corporate feudalism as it doesn’t respect any dang creative process and writing “dojos”. If Almighty Corporate says the quarterly report needs a boost, you can be sure that the bundle of BfA’s as yet unfinished story is burned and replaced with a streamlined alternative. Just look at how half of WoD was cut and its ending rewritten. That one wasn’t on the expressed concerns of players nor the accompanying hordes of screeching, entitled Gamers who’d have everything designed to their specification.


Peeve is 55% of voters in this facebook poll voted yes for shipping Rey and Kylo.


I’ll vote for shipping Jabba and Leia.


Huh. I always thought TLJ would’ve had a way better reception if Rey and Kylo would’ve parted as friends/allies after the Snoke Throne Room fight. As in, she would be seduced to the Dark Side and then it’s all up to Luke to save the day or something.

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My next door neighbour’s appear to have acquired a dog who enjoys loudly barking. I’ve just poked my head out the door and it’s just…barking at nothing outside.

The walls between our houses aren’t super thick to begin with.

ublock origin mustard race. Most websites have caught onto AB and ABP and have put up flags trying to target it.


I understood what each of those words mean individually but not in the order you used them

My pet peeves?

That cities like Exodar and Ironforge, Silvermoon and Thunder Bluff don’t get their own dedicated portal rooms like Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

That High-Priest Rohan still isn’t Archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light of Life.

That the mages and priests in Ironforge share a building, give that building to the priests and paladins of the Ironforge-branch of the Church and give the mages their own dedicated sanctum (with portal room).

That apparently all mages are trained in Stormwind, when you enter the mage tower’s portal room, to your right you see draenei, void elf, worgen, gnome and I think a night elf mage getting tutored by a high elf.

Give the worgen their own mini-capital-esque city or village in Duskwood, always disliked them tagging along with the night elves since the majority still feels and acts like they’re humans, but cursed. Worgen druids should stick with the night elves.

That the Exodar is still a ruin instead of a Shattrath-style harbor city that can actually serve as the main base of Alliance operations for Kalimdor, also that the draenei still live in such ruined villages.

That the Silvermyst Isle isn’t used as a temporary capital/refugee island for the night elven refugees from the mainland, there’s already a night elven family living there.

That the gnomes still live in tents and two buildings near the Gnomeregan entrance, instead of either Gnomeregan, or a proper city near the entrance (compare Gnomeregan to Echo Isles or Bilgewater Bay and you’ll see the Darkspear and Goblins actually have proper cities can IC function as capitols)

That the gnomes and frostborne are entirelly ignored when they delve into Dwarven lore, it’s not like the gnomes have shared the dwarven kingdoms since before the War of the Three Hammers, or that Muradin was King of the Frostborne dwarves before he became King of the Bronzebeard dwarves.

That the Sunwell, Underhold, and many other dungeons and raids aren’t accesible for roleplay.

That the Kingdom of Quel’thalas is still a Wretched infested, ruined state stuck in a timeloop in TBC. Update it!

Continueing on that, that Blizzard keeps every previous expansions continent in a continual timeloop, while I would love to have it remade every expansion, something as minor as rewritting some essential quests to talk about how we’re cleaning up the remnants of the Illidari, Fel Horde, Scourge, Iron Horde or whatever would go a long way.


Sorry, had to get those off my chest. Still love the game thought, even with many of it’s flaws.


I just installed uBO and it helped me with tab-openings that I had to deal with before… this is lifechanging. Bless your kind heart sir :pray:

Ublock Origin is an alternative adblock addon for most web browsers. Adblock has gotten weaker over they ears, first by being paid off to allow “good” adverts through, then more and more websites have noticed it’s popularity and specifically started to target it. Usually with “Disable adblock to continue” pop ups as you describe.

uBlock Origin doesn’t tend to be detected in the same way and doesn’t allow any adverts at all. It also has a few other features like letting you manually pick website elements to disable (Autoplay videos get out!), letting you disable scripts and more.

“mustard race” was a play on the “master race” thing regarding which adblock is superior.


That all sounds very useful. Hopefully it’ll block the kinds of advertisements that are… Obviously very foul.

What about automatically directing you to some degenerate website? I visit a website that for some reason always opens up either an empty browser, or redirects me at least three times to some weird-ars websites that I’d do well in life without.

It does have a feature for disabling pop-ups and automatically opened tabs I believe.

Sounds great. I’ll look it up.

Always a wonder how these Adblockers are able to stay afloat…

Well Adblock used to get by on donations but I guess that wasn’t enough, and they probably had a lot of angry websites pounding on their door so they started making “exceptions” for “non-malicious” ads. Which is an oxymoron, if it’s an ad, it’s annoying and draining my bandwidth. No ty.

I just want a decent mobile adblock now. Brave is good but it’s a seperate browser app. Luna is a VPN app but also does ad blocking and even blocks ads within popular apps, might look into it.

The question there is whether Ironforge’s Church is the approved institution for magical studies writ large or whether the priesthood have to study at a mage academy. Big societal implications!

The way I understand is that the Dwarves in general are pretty open too the Church and priests and paladins, but they inherently distrust arcane, fel, void and shadow magic.

Why would you put them in the same building if you do, where potentionally corrupt arcanists can corrupt young and innocent dwarves that want came to study the Light?

No seperating them is the best option, imho.

Where is it said they distrust arcane?

I thought it was noted when you ask directions to a mage trainer, but lemme look it up again on my mage.

Dwarf mages and warlocks are a newfangled thing by Moira letting the dark irons teach the rest. It’s probably the case that the hall of mystics(?) is a temple of the Light first and foremost.

Except gnome mages where present there since vanilla, Levey.

Also, I stand corrected, the dwarven guards say nothing about distrusting the Arcane.

Also, Bronzebeards have been able to be mages since Cataclysm.