Pet Peeve: The Undying

Dark iron sorcery, yes.

Portal peeve: removing the portals to various locations in dalaran and my mage having started Legion content is instructed to head to the dalaran crater portal, which is now an empty room. Nice one blizzard.

Good job he is horde and the flight from UC isnā€™t too bad. Seriously though did I miss a trick here like a special quest portal that was added? Seems if not that many classes who are told to go to tirisfal are a bit rodgered with these changes.

What about if the player is new to Legion? Quests that send them nowhere? I mean blizz updated the Wod entry quest to direct you to the right mage, but not Legion ones?

Yes, the Bronzebeards have lived with the gnomes for hundreds of years, have known the humans even longer.

But somehow they only took to sorcery after a few Dark Iron Clan members tried a coup and take over their kingdom :thinking:

Itā€™s supposed to give portals there, itā€™s just bugged.

My priest was given a Dalaran Crater Portal from Leg Dal, but a few weeks earlier I wasnā€™t given one (with whatever class it was).

Portal changes are bloody stupid.
End of.

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Because they werenā€™t fans of magic prior, thatā€™s why they didnā€™t do it. Dwarves in general, excluding dark irons, were really distrustful towards Wizards prior to the Third War, at which point they started to trust it more with their allies.

So, I was right!

Dwarves where inherently distrustful towards magic!

@Frostbinder! see!

Gnome sorcery is too needlessly wordy and math-y, obviously. Like elves refining lighting a fire for 12,000 years to the correct temperature and specification whereas the first 100 human mages shocked their teachers by their aptitude for brute forcing it.

Ah, wasnā€™t the explanation that the elven teachers where shocked at the pure destructive potentional of their human standards, as they could incinerate a pack of gnolls no problem, but a candle was generally too difficult?

I forget whether thatā€™s canon or assertive headcanon in regards to the candle but the point is that arcane magic as such isnā€™t this deep, untouchable mystery exclusive to the exceptionally gifted but rather something that races with certain inherent aptitude can just mold into their own style. Whether dwarves used to distrust magic or not, dwarf sorcery isnā€™t gnome sorcery. Cultural and literal translation is needed. While humans might study some elven magic arts in Dalaran, they still have human written books and centuries of human tradition, every arcane craft filtered through a human perspective and way of lighting the candle.

Lest we forget, there are gnoll mages!

Fight me Levey.

After youā€™re level 120, to keep it fair.

Thatā€™s a relief. I though I was being a complete noob and missing the obvious. Until I remembered Iā€™m a mage and can teleport anyway!

Non-game peeve; trying to design a sci-fi vtol craft/helicopter that doesnt look like a ripoff of the bazillion similar designs that have come beforeā€¦ ugh.

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When in doubt, add/subtract wings. Two-wings like the osprey super common? Well this one has four wings now. Are those catching on, now it has SIX wings! Oh, everyoneā€™s doing a six-wing VTOL? Weā€™re going down to 3. Itā€™s the magic number.


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


Halo has some good VTOL designs.

Iā€™ve always been a fan of the Orca series from C&C -

and I think Iā€™ll always have a softspot for the Kodiak from TibSun, even though a ship like that with zero weapons is pretty silly.

Another ship design Iā€™ve always loved is the Empire transport shuttle.

Itā€™s probably my favourite SW ship. The folding wing stuff is super cool, along with the chunky rectangular engines on the back and the ā€œbeakedā€ cockpit.

A dude legit asked me to shine his shoes while I was at work (I work at a pub in the Airport) and was shocked when I declined.

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Why did you decline?

Not his freakinā€™ yerb, bruh.

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How dare you deny such a fine gentlemenā€™ honest and reasonable request :face_with_monocle:

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