Pet Peeve: The Undying

Mostly because I get paid to carry drinks and food and chat with people. Not to wipe their crap from their boots.

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Kind of peeved at how the vaunted HotS story project fizzled out and was pretty obviously cancelled as a thing, resolved with Orphea defeating the Raven Lord in a comic followed by the announcement that they’re cutting back on the game as a whole.

Are they? HGC was cancelled, but that doesn’t mean that the game will die, at least in the nearest future.

Esport cancelled, game moved from active development to maintenance mode, effort and funding going to long term sustainability rather than continued advancement. The game isn’t dead but isn’t getting the resources to grow further.

Idk, new heroes and events still come out, and so are the plans to create new maps.

People just like to wage panic over cancelled championship, which wasn’t successful in the first place due to a heavily delayed MOBA game by Blizzard.

If this is really the way you think, then you are playing ignorance to the bigger picture of why people are concerned.

If an online game goes to “Maintenance Mode”, that means that the introduction of new and exciting things will be cut down to size, while only really getting new minor things, enough to give off the illusion that the game is still being worked on.

I mean, there hasn’t been a new Hero announced since December, back when we got Imperious (And no, Hero reworks don’t count as new Heroes)

Take the little event that was active recently, this Caldeum Acropolys event. We got only eight quests out of it. A linear event quest that had no branches or any character talking to you about how evil the Oni Butcher is.

“What is the problem with that” you might ask? Well, apart from the little issue that the last few events had some kind of interactivity along with their quests. Alterac Pass let you choose your faction, the holiday event let you play a board game (Which was also very rewarding, might I add), and there was also that event where you got to choose your way in which series of qiests you want to go through first, rather than a linear walkway (Not to mention it had more quests as well)

Also I feel like there should’ve been a Johanna Skin as well, but there isn’t because… Reasons.

No I am not. I never aimed to play HCG, nor any top-tier league; I never put much faith into the game as a MOBA because, as I already said, it arrived to the market at least 8 years later, doomed to be unsuccessful in comparison to LoL or Dota; nor I consider that stamping heroes-maps 24-7 is, actually, a way to go because it is just not fun or entertaining? Sure, the budget maybe got cut, but that doesn’t mean that it will be dead in the nearest future, that being as long as shareholders won’t decide to kill the game just as easily as they decided to kill an entire franchise.

It is a free MOBA, stop expecting out of it some awesome progression

Yes, you are. Because you think we’re talking about only the HGC.

What we are talking about is a clear cut in budget, that is going to leave a pretty bad wound for the game, which will inevitably make it go down under in… I am guessing at least a year or so, give or take.

That doesn’t mean that it can’t get its own audience, its own playerbase and stand on its own. Yeah, League of Legends and Dota pretty much hold the largest pieces of the MOBA pie, but… Come on, it’d be ignorant to say that Heroes of the Storm couldn’t get an audience itself, based on the IP, and how it presents itself.
Edit: We aren’t talking about one of those multiple bargain basement MOBA games that were up and about back when League of Legends and Dota were on their apex point, that appeared, then as soon as they appeared, they vanished.

You’re gonna have to elaborate on that.

Once maintenance mode is announced, the game’s gonna die. That’s how it’s always been with online games. And considering how things are going… I’d say it’ll be soon.

“It’s a free MOBA” isn’t an excuse, really.

HoTS is a boring game.

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I fix’d that right up.


you fixed it, i perfected it.

I still play lol occasionally.

You think you perfected it? I made it Godly.

They are all boring games.

Yet we still play matches together hombre…

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Current peeve - my cat keeps sitting in front of my computer screen whenever I start doing a dungeon or if I’m trying to read something.

In addition he also sits in front of my speakers whenever I listen to music, finally after he’s done annoying me he then lays down on my bed, looks at me and gives me love eyes as if nothing happened.

It is easier to embrace being miserable in the company of the like-minded

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We have gone beyond godliness

Hi guys and gals. Slow day at work, anyone got some Argent Dawn threads that descended into incredible drama for me to browse to pass time?

Thanks. I know it’s not a peeve but let’s be honest this thread is basically the General Discussion of AD.

Went to this stuff called elf fantasy fair… it was boring to the point that i can only describe it with language not suitable for the human eyes.