Pet Peeve: The Undying

It was cold enough to snow over the weekend. Now it’s 15 degrees and the sun is trying to burn you away.
I forgot to put the apples I bought into their bowl in the kitchen. Left them on the table. Sun did a drive by and now the apples are warm.
Who wants to eat warmed apples?
I don’t.

If they’re in a crumble, I could be convinced quite easily…

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They are just apples! … I’m not really a fan of pies… or cake.

How 'bout cookies?

Cookies are ok

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I’ll get you some with raisins.

Raisin (and oatmeal) cookies are sincerely my favourite variety of cookie.

Closely followed by white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

I do like raisins in cookies myself, never understood the hate for it at all.

Raisins in cookies are divine never tried Oatmeal cookies though.

There was a good one on the General Discussion board last night, but it got locked.

Always thought mods were away on Sundays. Guess not.

My ban has finally been lifted. Phew 8 days without rambling on Forums… Especially when said ban was regarding a comment which can only be considered as offensive if you don’t understand context, which this automated garbage of a system can’t.

Either way, it has been a good wake up call. Game is boring, forums are not a free ground so I might as well sink my time in others games. Unsubbed from WoW and it runs out Mid May.

Also @Darianuth, thanks for the ADblock alternative… Some sites I regularly visit must be visited through Private browser and thanks to Ublock, I no longer have to.

Actually reading that one at the moment. It’s still there, stumbled on it by sheer accident.

Raisins are great, just don’t mix them with chocolate. For some reason I can only like those things separately.

Welp that Mass Effect finished… Not 100% but the important side quests too.
Needless to say, there’s a lot of unecessary back and forth and to think that was the peak of gaming back in 2007 (Still a good game).
Well at least my 5th run of the trilogy will feel different with the DLCs (Honest to god, DLCs of the price of a full game back in their release time is outrageous.).

Notre Dame Cathedral’s on fire.

That’s bad to hear, hope least damages would be dealt to it…


But apparently its pretty bad. Its set the whole frame alight, caused a spire to collapse and the stain glass windows have exploded.

Its devastating.

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For once, the Yellow Vest movement cannot be held responsible for a fire.


Didn’t want to derail the new patch discussion thread, but I would go back to ESo but i can’t for the life of me get my account to work, it doesn’t even recognise my email address anymore.

Deleted WoW off of my PC as I’ve no intention on playing the game anymore soon, and I freed up half my disk’s storage space, sure, it’s a bad PC (150gb C:, I don’t know much about computers but that doesn’t sound like a lot, it is an all-in-one), but damn WoW is a waste of space