Pet Peeve: The Undying

Is the Geth even worth it without the best boy Legion though?

Each one in turn, finding different flavours of the same rot. Mayhaps I faced the worst of each in the worst of days but I saw excesses even the bads of AD wouldn’t tolerate.

Laughable black and white comedic evil is a sith’s bread and butter, the air beneath their wings, the salt on their popcorn as the galaxy burns. If you want good greyness, go imperial agent.


Red every time. For all the untold horror and pain they caused to every living creature in the Milky Way, EDI and Legion’s cases simply wasen’t strong enough. Rip those Reapers apart at any cost!

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Besides, Prothy the Prothean; Javik had never found peace otherwise.

I chose green ending this time. I wanted to go with red because it seems like the only viable option given how unforgivably evil and destructive the actions of the reapers were, no amount of cooperation is going to fix that … but I didn’t want to kill the Geth as well , not after I worked so hard to facilitate peace between them and the Quarian.

Not sure I feel comfortable about it. It’s such a weird and abstract ending, but I couldn’t justify the others enough.


And this is why devs should avoid the “please pick your endscreen” in these type of games, atleast in this fashion. Either give us a set ending where all our choices mattered, or make the end option less blunt like these ones are.

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Also, another peeve. That the grand battle at the end of ME3 felt less epic to me than the Suicide Mission, and I think that largely comes down to the lack of a blood pumping score.

The whole soundtrack for the suicide mission and the way that played out (barring the weird human reaper fight) were unbelievably epic. Parts of the Earth attack were equally great if not even greater, but as a whole it didn’t quite match up.

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Sentient lives > Synthetic lives, even the Pyjak have more right to live.

Don’t you come in here and talk bad on my boi Legion.

I would take him over James, Jacob, Miranda, Kaidan and Ashley any day of the week.


I’m sure Legion would reach consensus! :heart:

Alot of the final battle felt underwhelming to me because we were so disconnected from it, as we were off to go have a chat with an AI kiddo instead.

But about your point specifically, yeah I agree. Which is a shame, because the -intro- to ME3 gives me shivers, the whole soundtrack set to seeing Earth under assault as you leave it, and the falling debris from the fleet is just chilling and awesome.


Yeah :frowning: He probably would, although he argued pretty hard to not exterminate his entire race at the end of the Rannoch mission. How could I argue with him? That was a pretty tense moment, especially considering I was romaning Tali at the time. Awkward.

Glad it all ended up okay.

A man of taste, I see.


I swap between Garrus/Liara. If you could romance Tali as femshep I’d might, but she is like an adorable sister, so it is fine.

Edit: typo

My friend had to talk me into it. I wasn’t sold on the idea originally because she always felt like more of a little sister character from her introduction in the first game, but that was a genuinely touching character arc.

Heartbreaking moment when I had to leave her behind on the approach to the beam on Earth.


During that suicidal run on the beam, dudes are getting lit up left and right by Harbinger the whole time. But then when the Normandy rolls up to pick up your companions which means it needs to remain stationary for a decent amount of time, it goes completely unnoticed by the reaper boi, who can shoot multiple lasers at a time.

What gives? Why wouldn’t he smoke a very easy and very prominent target? Don’t tell me didn’t see them as a threat, Harbinger would definitely recognise the Normandy given that he was controlling the Collectors who ACTIVELY sought out the Normandy to blow it sky high at the start of ME2.

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Say it with me.

Windows are structural weaknesses.

and heat sinks

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If anything, Harbinger would activly seek out the Normandy/Shepard, seeing it has a personal interest/hateboner for Shepard.

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Oh for sure. They raised the stakes by making it Harbinger who is the one who comes down to defend the beam, but then snuff it by making Harbinger completely ignore that his mortal enemy of this cycle is making a run at the beam and decides to shoot everyone around him instead.

No way he doesn’t recognise him, I might be able to buy that the stealth systems are running on the Normandy as an explanation though.

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I know its been discussed to death already, but it really really feels and shows that they just wrapped/patched up the whole last section of ME3 as quickly as possible to get it out. The whole bit on Earth, the endings, Harbinger etc.

In fact I would have loved more Harbinger in the game overall, but apparantly the voice actor left/got fired for some dispute and they just deleted 90% of his appearances and left only un-voiced in, aka the beam bit.

I also read some alternate script/idea for the ending somewhere ages ago, where the Reapers motives wasnt at all what we got in the game. Instead it was about biotic energies and the element zero stuff were going to cause the universe to implode in the future or something similliar. So they decided to simply kill of organics to stop it.

Organics ruin everything, which ties us nicely back into WoW peeves, where organics ruin everything. Sylvanas is a confirmed reaper?

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