Pet Peeve: The Undying

Oooh, you must! I can guarantee that it’ll probably be the most enjoyable time you can have with a singleplayer game.

Aye, same here. I got an additional peeve I’d like to share: Waking up at 8AM, feeling relatively awake, decide to listen to something while I wake up fully, only to end up passing out again and wake up at 11AM. Not what I call a happy time.

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Oh, I love Dragon Age, and despite the issues DAI had, I really loved that game. I recommend getting the Solas dlc, and the deep dlc as well, the harkon one was forgettable.

And yeah, essentially the republic rp very small and just…quite boring, not much going on, and the imperial roleplay scene is edgelords and house guilds. What is seen as outstanding/good roleplaying on there, is what is often seen as mediocre or laughed at here.

Edit: I also like to add that Solas was/is such a smooth-talker when you flirt with him, like wow.


Is the Deep Roads dlc good? Whenever I did anything with the Deep Roads it always bored me [GoA was the worst] and I say this as someone who always plays as a Dwarf Noble for my canon run of DAO.


I thought it was good, but I also like the deep roads :slight_smile: It is very similliar in gameplay to the other deep roads scenarios, but the story was quite cool and it offers a -massive- revelation at the end that essentially changes what you/we know about Thedas and its history. To a large extent.

That, and it has a very tough(but still fairly enjoyable) final bossfight.

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Sounds like Golems of Amgarrak so I guess if I get it I’ll be playing this as I do the final bossfight.

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That boss fight is a peeve, I usually end up giving up on my companions and just slowly whittle the health down on my mage Inquisitor. That said, have to agree, it’s a tough but fun DLC and I love the lore revelations in it.

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I never finished Dragon Age Inquisiton, despite being a huge fan of DA:O and at least from a story standpoint, a fan of DA2 as well.

Is it worth running through again at this point? I just remember getting annoyed by all the standard open world tropes they threw in to elongate the experience.


I love your choice of soundtrack, and I loved that show :smiley:

I feel you, I main mage as well, and I tend to let them ham it out, usually with Cassandra as tank, then Sera or Varric as ranged dps, and Iron Bull for the meele dps.


I’d say its worth it. The story itself is quite good and expands more on the world building of Thedas as a whole.

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Almost got a similar set up but instead of Ironbull I have either Dorian or Vivienne with a lightning staff just to help get that health down a tad faster. Cassandra will always be my fav tank, she has usually saved the day for me on many occasions.

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I’d give it a go, although I can see why people dislike the open world side of things. I recommend taking your fav companions to make travelling around a bit more fun with their banter. Basically just take Varric everywhere with you.

I also find some of the platforming for collectibles or sidequests can be mildly annoying. (Mounting up will save you from any fall damage. :wink:)

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I think when it comes to the open world, you also gotta find what you like. Im a completionist, so I did everything, and the collection of herbs and rocks is ungodly boring, so is all the shards for the the door quest.

However, I really really liked the dragon hunting challenge.

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Guess I’ll jump back in then. I did recently replay Origins as a Dwarf commoner rogue, was fun.

I remember I played up to what I think was the mid-way point of Inquisiton? I’d just unlocked the mage specialisation where you have a sword and had the keep.


Yeah thats about mid-point. And I think I only did dwarf commoner back in Origin like once. I should try that again.

Do you all have an origin account for DAI?

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Luckily they actually seem to be aware that was a bad element or so I heard. Meaning they’ll likely remove that in the next game.

Sadly yes. I would prefer it on steam, and not need an account. But if I want to import my saves from the other games, it is a requirement. Thanks EA…

I don’t think I still have my old saves to import, annoyingly. I think my own “canon” playthroughs were on an entirely different computer.

I played a human battle mage in DA:O which was just the most fun ever. Absolutely loved that spec.

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I do affirmative. But I hardly do anything with it except for using the Keep.


If you have a bioware account you can re-create your save/all choices via the keep website then import into DAI.