Pet Peeve: The Undying

Imagine if you were a tabletop RPG player… And people told you that “You gotta pay 5 euros to keep your spreadsheet. Wanna change dice? Pay 0.99… Oh, wanna change character, 25 euros front.”.


That sums up both Activision and EA :frowning:

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Dragon Age 4 unfortunately is very likely to be a multiplayer game as it’s based off of Anthem’s codebase.

Which is just, really terrible to think about, because it’s Dragon Age.


Preeeeetty much. Seems like there’s only Sony left to make good single player games and double A.

Oh, it’s gonna be terrible… And likely gonna show when they realize nobody wants to buy that :poop:


Which is equally bad. After the failures of Anthem and Andromeda, if Dragon Age 4 doesn’t hold it up, Bioware might tank entirely.

I don’t wanna see Bioware gone, but I wanna see them back to their roots and regain the fame they once had.

And if they can’t get away from EA… Let it burn, I’d rather see Bioware burn instead of the husk it is right now.

EA should be left to burn in its complacency and poor business practices. Associated serfs can then break off and start new, better studios.


If anyone read that Kotaku article about why Anthem failed, it made a pretty big mention about how some of the inherent problems with Inquisition, Andromeda and Anthem are that they are working with Frostbite engine and they really don’t like it or it’s not as flexibile to their needs as they would like.

So you know, maybe don’t use the code base from Anthem guys? Please?

It also should be mentioned that the big guys of Bioware are/were also at fault for this. Mainly due to indecision/not willing to take feedback and suggestions.

Like the part where the multiplayer branch of Bioware (The SWTOR guys, who I STILL DON’T HAVE AN EMAIL FROM FOR A PASSWORD RESET) were brought on to provide assistance with Anthem, only to get dismissed at every turn.

I think only when Casey Hudson came back on board, were they able to get things started properly.

So basically it’s EA, Frostbyte being poo, and Bioware leads being indecisive that made Anthem in to the steaming pile of disaster that it is.

I am just glad I didn’t buy in to it…

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If EA takes off the live services it dies and shareholders won’t be happy.

If EA keeps cramming lives services constantly, it dies because customers aren’t happy.

EA is in the worst place… A slow and painful death until they wither away from memories.

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Quite well deserved after buying up so many companies and franchises just to run them into the ground for a quick buck.

Peeve: losing more gold than I can be expected to gain, gradually bleeding my alts and main dry simply by repair fees.


A lot of people act like EA swooped them up and turned them into the mess that they are now. The unfortunate truth however is that not only was Bioware more than willing to sign up with EA but one of the founders who left a couple years later [Ray Muzyka I think] admitted that as I quote

EA gave us enough rope to hang ourselves with

Now that quote was from a few years back so things likely changed after ME 3 but I think you could still see the steady decline in their quality with ME 2 [exception of course with DAO] and that was before Ray Muzyka and Greg [can’t remember his last name] left.

Current peeve - I want to write an IC guild concept but I also want to finish writing this [what was suppose to be a short story] story about the villain from my book stalking my protagonist.

Being hyped for the new Star Wars movie.

The peeve:

The wait between now and December.

Aside from enforcing Frostbite on bioware, we can’t blame EA for Anthem (and its knock-on effect to DA4). From Jason Schreier’s info it looks like it was almost entirely Bioware upper management that was the problem with Anthem, and it was only the whims of the EA exec who liked the flying that actually got them to pin down where Anthem was going.

Still, EA can go rot for all I care, but I have trouble blaming them for Anthem specifically given what we know.


The only thing to be hyped about with the movie is that it’s the last one.

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There are two different new trilogies (one by D+D from GoT, one by Rian Johnson) in the works.

Plus the Tv shows (Mandalorian, Cassian from Rogue one…), any other standalone movies they do, the animated stuff, videogames, etc. etc.

Twofer peeve:

I’m reminded of the grisly death of beloved franchises like command and conquer and the legacy of kain series.

I’ve also been awake for too many hours in a row and my eyes burn. Brain going hyper just before the big crash. Why can’t I sleep like a person?

The thing that bugs me with Bioware is they had a cool new Dragon Age to bring us, small focused areas with RP consiquences for choices? Sign me right u…

Oh now it’s going to be Anthem writh Dragons.

Yeah another dead IP for Bioware I guess.

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DA:I and ME3 were the product of dedicated developers working 90-hour weeks to make the best out of a horrible situation. The fact that they made good but flawed games out of it is nothing short of a miracle.

I’m reminded of the grisly death of beloved franchises like command and conquer

sadly pours one out over the grave


Kane lives in death!

Additional peeve; what the freaking heck was that ending? And now it’s a phone game.

Phone games steal your data for advertising, too. Grand.