Pet Peeve: The Undying

It’s frustrating. Bioware used to be one of the game companies I thought could do no wrong, they were just hitting the nail on the head every time. Then came SWTOR and Mass Effect 3 (don’t hate it, but not as good as it’s predecessors) and now look where they are.

Funnily enough, Blizzard was the same kind of company for me. Now I am just frustrated by near enough everything they do.

EDIT: Also honourable mentions to Valve for once being the darling child of gaming and now are constantly getting slated for what they are doing with Steam.

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SWTOR was good as a single player/multiplayer RPG, it was not good as an MMO, mainly because it competed against at the time ‘current’ WoW with Vanilla WoW features.

Heck their idea of group finder was advertising with barely enough characters to fit roll and ‘dungeon’ you wanted to do, and hope people found you.

Mass Effect 3 dropped the ball on the ending, and which ever dumbo decided it was a good idea to attack the fans?

Well they’ve started one of the worst forms of ‘advertising’ in modern media.

For me it ended with part 3: Tiberium Wars and it’s expansion Kane’s Wrath. We do not speak of The Abomination That Must Not Be Named that came after.

I had the highest possible hopes for SWTOR. Star Wars RP was my first real foray into the medium, and the idea of playing in that world again in a way that was similar to WoW was fantastic.

But the game, like you say outside of the single player elements, was just meh. I hated the weapon restrictions for classes, I hated that all of the races were basically the same just with slightly different skins and just how lackluster it all felt.

Not to mention that they took away most of what was good from the KOTOR timeline and shoved in prequel era technology and aesthetics to appeal to a wider fan base.

They did finally manage to make a story that was more compelling in that one expansion they did with the hidden empire thing, that was a lot more unique. Too late though.

SWToR RP was some of the worst I’ve ever seen, but such is the natural result of putting power hungry egos in a context and society that encourages it with nothing to mitigate its worst excesses. At the same time, such ambitions diminished the whole. The Sith were reduced to petty gangs and/or S&M Master/Pet play in plain sight.


Bethesda, too.


:frowning: Yeah in 10 characters

Did Overwatch with mates we completed the legendary all heroes mode of rising storm… score isn’t even updated/uploaded propery smh.
Junkrat’s skin floats as if is riding an aircycle, which is funny to behold.

I have experienced the immense displeasure of trying to roleplay an Imperial agent when the game first came out.

Fun class to play in terms of mechanics, but to put it into context, imagine playing a character in a game where noble RP is woven into the setting and your class is the dedicated serf class that has to do whatever the noble classes want, on the threat of death, torture or worse.


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Bounty hunter was the best class tbh.

Felt a little cheesy, to me.

It was, and the final chapter wasn’t amazing. But I really enjoyed the feel of the class story unlike say, the smuggler, who by the second act was a Republic shill and lost everything that made being a smuggler cool.

Nailed it. The sithheads were distressingly abusive.

I think your understating things a bit here, I mean DAI was good but ME3 was more than just flawed.

No, I think flawed is the right word.

After the extended edition patch, it ended up becoming a rather solid game.

Trust in Obsidian. Never let me down so far.


Could CD Projekt Red be next???

Peeve: people posting in the other, old peeve thread.

I’d disagree the extended edition didn’t get rid of Space Gray Fox nor did it do anything to the exploration which was even more streamlined than it was in ME 2.

But I won’t get into it too much because I’ll turn this into a rant, ok random peeve there’s no katanas in WoW so I can’t complete my Anime reject edgelord costume. Then I can put this as my character theme.

ME1 was a good RPG, but a kinda bad third person shooter.

ME2 was a good third person shooter, but sacrificed some of the RPG in exchange.

ME3 was okay, but full of scummy practices “Oh you can either grind all this dull stuff, or take part in your horde mode multiplayer to get the good endings, oh don’t fall over the loot boxes on the way!”. Plus the whole ‘If you dislike the game, or the ending its because you hate people who love their own gender!’ crap.