Pet Peeve: The Undying

ME2 was the best in the series. It had good storytelling and good gameplay.

ME3 had better gameplay but the stories fell behind a bit.

Both are still great. ME1 is the only one that I would say has aged a bit poorly, and only because of its very plastic gameplay.

Peeve of the day (or the hour): I can’t decide what class I should restore.

Shaman or Paladin :slight_smile:

I have a paladin! Ain’t ever removing that, since It has 95 factions at Exalted.

But it’s kinda between Shaman (would have to respec) at level 120 (yes, 120 fite me) and a 110 Shadow Priest.

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Chad shaman vs virgin priest. Sounds like an easy choice.

Honestly, adding ‘‘chad’’ to shaman makes me not wanna choose it.

Is badass better? :slight_smile:


But shaman is probably more likely, due to the fact I actually enjoy all 3 specs (Only class I could actually heal with) and with Priest I only play 1.

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Indeed. And with shaman you can play both caster and melee which gives more diversity.

I can’t decide if I should restore the tauren shaman or orc one, as I dont want the troll one (the lvl 120). But as I was gonna make my paladin into a tauren for the heritage (cba leveling and do the crabs of War campaign again).

Or should I just level a new stupid Highmountain one to make it different from the paladin…


jumps into a cauldron of lava

When in doubt, always roll Tauren.

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Highmountain is always a good choice. :slight_smile:

Aye, I do like them antlers. <u<



PvP bg teams consisting of “pros” hurling orders/abuse, often contradicting each other as they’re the only natural leader, the group still being mostly cube-brained robots and that one guy who spams weird sexual things.

I just wanted a token for an old transmog item. Why must I suffer?


Virgin Toxic Player vs Chad Encouraging Team mate

Both of those games started with Horde on the lose and someone quit early and people were complaining about how we should just throw it to get it over with, but then I zoned in and rallied the allies with my war horn.

can we get a lok’tar in chat fellas :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Imagine trying to boast with 16 kills smh

Cataclysm was a wild time

When you join a BG late, it’s harder to rack up as many kills as you’d like

My pet peeve is YOU, Kump. You’re always so nice and supportive when you post, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you post anything nasty or cynical or even just bitter, and I don’t trust that. I have my eye on you, menace… :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


covers kump’s poor innocent ears


He once stalked me in Stormwind and roasted my new transmog. That was very mean of him :frowning: