Pet Peeve: The Undying

You’re a void elf, you deserve to get roasted

Pet peeve: This thread has gone on 10 times longer than it traditionally should have.

Oh yeah, it’s an honor sir, to have your eyes upon me :cowboy_hat_face: :smoking:


:cry: in ten characters

PvP was a lost cause back in TBC. The corporate competitive angle shoved into the game a la Arena + Resilience was more suited to Counter-Strike or Quake not an MMORPG.

When the game’s tone is reduced to a fast-brand favourite hamburger in quality of experience, the diet of the player changes eventually. Classic was truly the golden age of PvP simply because there were hard counters to each class. Each rogue could be countered by a Warrior, Warriors by Mages, Mages by Rogues.

Balance was based less around arbitrary numbers and the idea of what a class -should- be able to fight and what it should -not- be able to fight. It leaves me wondering with trepidation how Classic WoW’s PvP will go - will the modern McDesign prevail or the good Sunday Roast?

A Light in the darkness my friend, keep your eyes open for the Legion PvP towers, they sometimes still provide those tokens you’re after.

And with ten times the amount of nonsense to boot.

Oh wow. I remember playing rogue in Cataclysm, and they should not be that low. We were were ludicrous, 'twas the time of my wrecking ball achievement.

Peeve of Friday:

The dawning realisation that I lack both time and energy to maintain four characters. I need to trim my list of alts again. The ideal would be to keep one tank, healer, ranged and melee dps on each faction to cover my options.

The “virgin X vs chad Y” meme is my pet peeve.

You know what, stupid memes are my pet peeve, period.


It was a funny meme when it mocked the inadequacies of both via exaggeration. Then it turned into “my side is chad”, be it gaming, politics or canasta and then it lost its charm.

More peeve:

People who have their characters quote lore characters verbatim as if they were there in person when getting political or something. You just know they’re sitting there with a wowpedia tab open, feeling smug in their correctness regardless on context.

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The virgin pet peevee vs the chad unbridled rage

the virgin “The “virgin X vs chad Y” meme is my pet peeves” Vs. the chad mechagon not being out yet is my pet peeve.

I kind of want to make a Horde character but I’m burnt out on leveling and will probably end up feeling lonely on the red side because I’ve sat at Alliance forever. But female orcs look so damn cool.

I see you are a man of well developed taste and culture.


Todays Peeve; I’m sleepy as hek even though I slept really well last night. :frowning:

Pet Peeve: Sub runs out tomorrow. No more :poop: posting for a while. q_q #SaveMion

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Pet Peeve - My cat nearly broke my hand this morning by sleeping on top of it and I couldn’t move because he’s big enough to restrain me by sleeping on the rest of my body.

It’s even more bizarre when it comes from a race or type of character who would feasibly not even know the outline of said thing.

Like why does this Pandaren know so much about Human politics? Why does this Human death knight know so much about the breeding patterns of the Silithid? Why does this Gnome write [2] occasionally when they speak?

Like sure, if you’re an Orc talking about Orc stuff, fair enough. Tauren talking about their own history sure. Even at a stretch Paladins of other races than Humans knowing about the history of the Silver Hand, Mages knowing the history of the Kirin Tor, Monks about general pseudo-Pandaren history.

Its like the whole “mmm yes i can see gul’dan giving grommash the fel blood, BUT HE REJECTS IT?! WHAT IS THIS.” brand of rp we had in the months leading to WoD or the “MMM YES THE LEGION ARE COMING GUYS” in the lead up to Legion, and the “YES LETS START A WAR AND BURN TELDRASSIL DOWN” before the War of Thorns and BFA even started.

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I refuse to believe that this is real.

Isn’t that just the one infamous guy regularly doing stuff like that, though?

Repeated ad nauseum by this character since early MoP but she’s no prophet, just a fanatic. Surprisingly few accusations were raised around late WoD.

Seemed the default for a lot of orgrimmar dwellers for the longest time before the prepatch.

I’m just particularly annoyed when characters don’t even need a few months to catch up with world history, politics and esoteric philosophy, being automatically educated in all things because they’re a caster class with a bunch of Int stat to swing around or a noble.

Noble casters are insufferable.


Noble Clerics are worse. It’s like watching Superman with a Christian paint coat on it… Even worse when they pretend to own X land in X human kingdom.

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