Pet Peeve: The Undying

Mod the game so that when Sira is raised in darkshore, Sylvanas voice shouts out “ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!”


Ending crazy self destructive war and eliminating the struggles of ambition and inequality is a stated goal of the Scourge. There can’t be a faction war if there are no factions, everyone equal in death under the one true god/king.


Tali is the best ME girl, followed by Liara. If Samara was a romance option she’d win though

(I am aware of the Citadel DLC with her but it doesn’t really count because I don’t get to see her :peach:)


First time I played through, I genuinely wanted a Samara romance. She is one of the most interesting crew members by far.

Miranda is as dull as they come and has a really weird face, which I think is because they tried to model it off a real person? Makes it especially laughable when they say she has been genetically engineered to be the perfect person.

Tali is wholesome in every way.

Miranda is designed to look like Yvonne Strahovski, her voice actress. Who is a QT.

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Related peeve: mans1ay3r getting shafted by Youtube on his ad revenue.


I cant decie who is more boring, Miranda or Jacob.

Her entire character/personality is simply “Butt”. Thats where the perfect design went.


That’s all the personality I needed from her

Jacob is more boring. Mr. Soldier man, and… that’s about it

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Definitely Jacob is more boring.

Miranda at least shows a little bit of conflict with the whole Cerberus vs. her better nature thing. She’s interesting in that she was Cerberus through and through.

Jacob pretty happily jumps ship immediately without conflict.


I think I’ve seen city guards in wow display more personality than Jacob. Atleast they can wave back and stuff.

Jacob’s personality has even less variation than Nolan North’s vocal range.


Tfw Grunt isn’t a romance option. Shepard never got to try the QUAD


Imagine Shepard(either one) hooking up with Grunt and Wrex for some rnr

I’d actually rather not imagine that.

Grunts adventures though, from Rachni tunnels to shore leave on the citadel. :heart:


I’m sufficiently traumatised by the notion of bedding birdperson with his toxic biology. No accounting for taste, I guess.

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Can the Asari do it, then so can the krogans.

What’s the point in being in outer space if you’re not going to sample the exotic space p00n?


Marauder Shields > Jacob

Change my mind.

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Yeah I’d rather romance those