Pet Peeve: The Undying

The what? o.o

What the zandalari druid tank form is.

EDIT: Akylodons

As a dinosaur fan, I’m almost offended by you calling them ‘‘prehistoric turtle’’…

How dare you!

And if I said; “dinosaur” you’d be like, “which dinosaur?”

well, the one that clearly is a-- … well tortoise to be exact, but wow doesn’t differentiate

Only boys in blue. No orc mitts on my globes!


That upcoming barnacle encrusted tricorne isn’t a leather item.

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If you said Spike dino on Zandalar, I would’ve gotten it. :smile:

Now when I get you here, it was the MistSTALKER Tunic, RIGHT? Because I wrote wrong in that letter, but looking it up, there is no chest called ‘‘MistWALKER’’.

Its still a tortoise!

in all but pet type where it is even better because its a scalehide!

Peeve; poor Magia (for Erybdis) and Raphael (for Croecell), actual turtles are no longer the top of the tanking pet game.

No it isn’t!

Something keeps crashing my Skyrim, but I don’t know what, I trust most of these mods, I’ve used them before, and the rest have nothing to do with the location of the crash.

Also the type of crash is it freezes, and with the way Skyrim’s stupid tab works, this means I’m forced to shut down my PC the bad way.

That sucks man, sorry to hear.

my skyrim keeps acting like I didn’t install SKSE.

That’s the one.

Good, I thought I had done a goof out of myself there…

My peeve? I cannot RP an even remotely friendly female goblin without being asked to “take a walk” after a good thirty minutes of otherwise normal conversation. It’s a red flag, and it’s confirmed when they say “Oh well, pleasure meeting you.” when I refuse, and insta-log in front of my face.

It’s a damned shame as I love to RP goblins, and it makes me sick that this happens.


I’ll take a walk with your Dwarf if that’s what you want. Wiggle eyebrows.

But i am a good kind orc! Honor…

With the new forum system you don’t need an active sub to be able to post. At least not in the AD section.

Source: Yours truly, who has been unsubbed since last October.

Same, unless I specifically run it with SKSE

It’s been a while since I played Skyrim but aren’t you supposed to use SKSE to start the game in order to be able to use it?

Normally it ran automatically for me.

but a lot of strange stuff has started to happen since Nexus swapped over to Vortex.

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Suspected Vortex to be an issue too…

Why’d they change anyways?