Pet Peeve: The Undying

I would presume it’s because they aren’t trying to push the Light on everyone, nor are they as Hardcore with the Light as the Lightbount and Lightforged.

The Orcs probably don’t mind the Light that much, as they had no problems with it when the draenei were keeping it to themselves.

Neither are azeroth’s draenei but geya’rah wants to kill them all for being light worshipers and draenei. She is a racist and bigot, leading and speaking for the mag’har.

Well, her hatred for the draenei is 100% justified.

And racist/bigot for that? Well, then every race except maybe tauren and goblins are racist and bigots.

The point is that mag’har leadership and people are given no explicit lore reason not to immediately lose their minds in an anti-Light uprising.

And that’s my peeve.

Well, they’ve only been with us for a little while. They’ll eventually see that not all Light users are bad like the Lightbound they faced and that not everything is black and white.

Just give it time. ^^

Play the Yakuza games.

I actually am trying to play Borderlands 2, but something doesn’t auite sit well with me in regards to it…

I am playing Borderlands 1 Remastered though, and I quite like it. Actually I prefer it over Borderlands 2.

Fite me.

I haven’t played the first one, but I’ll be buying it soon enough. :>

Oh, I do quite recommend it, especially now that it’s remastered.

While it certainly isn’t as over-the-top, it certainly has charm to it. Also some good content packs to boot (I didn’t see BL2 making Claptrap be the ultimate enemy to Pandora!)

If you like Claptrap, play the Pre-Sequel, as he’s a playable character in that game. ^^

And I did buy BL1 2 years ago but refunded it within 10 minutes, as it looked like garbage on modern screens etc. :confused:

Oh, I know how it looks. I tried playing it, but it was… Not pretty. No FoV slider either.

I was thinking about playing Pre-Sequel as well. I have it downloaded, just haven’t jumped in to it yet. I will get to it, I promise!

Anyway, to share a peeve I have: Warhammer Chaosbane is looking to be a fun and enjoyable game, that could be considered as an improved Diablo (Better visuals to fit the dark world, for example), and I am anticipating it to slowly become rather popular.

… Just on the Steam Forums I am still able to find people that complain about something with the game. How the clsdses are gender locked, how the developers are horrible people because they decided that Deluxe and Magnus Edition players can play the game 4 days early, and expecting the main campaign to be 30 hours long to play through, and that an average guess of 10 hours to finish it is woefully short.

Those complaints feel to me, personally, to be absolutely petty and stupid. I’d be more concerned about the game and its design and how much replayability there is, rather than throw a fit about how if I want to play an Archer, it would have to be in the form of a Wood Elf Lady.

On that note: One of my gripes/concerns are the strong hulking enemies and how much health they have. I am playing the game on hard, and while everything feels quite balanced, some of the larger enemies (Corrupted Spawn for example) feel like they have too much health. Personally I feel like their health could go down for… At least 20% or so.

Grandia Remaster still doesn’t have a release date.

Announced August.
Additional details September.
Original release date “Winter 2018”
and then nothing.

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£40 for ten hours is kinda a bit naff.

To be fair there’s plenty of stuff present for the mag’har to outright distrust the blood elves, were blizz to explore their Azeroth predicament a bit more.

One chunk of them have green eyes. Cue fel orcs of drsenor flashbacks and the iron horde being Legion puppets. Yeah, green eyes isn’t something they’d likely think is a sign of glowing character (I know Green eyes doesn’t mean belf have been smoking felweed directly, I’m talking about how it looks. In their reality, green eyes was synonymous with being under the legions thumb)

It’s okay, not all have green eyes though. Some have yellow eyes because they’re filled with Light… Wait a minute…

In one race you essentially have the sure signs of mag’har PTSD rolled into a neat package. Why blizzard havent at least made the mag har appear uneasy with the belf, having to rely on the commendations of their Azerothian Orcish allies, is anyone’s guess.

Granted, some of them may recall the occasional belf adventurer helping them fight the Legion back in WoD. Still, not all will have this experience.

Also: I think the mag har dislike draenei that bit more because:

  1. there’s very real history between them. Belf may remind them of the Light in one manner, draenei do in several more.
  2. the mag har observed that problems started when the Naaru descended onto Draenor proper. The Draenei have the Naaru on speedial, belf do not. The Draenei revere the Naaru, belf (as far as we see) do not.
  3. With the introduction of the Lightforged you have the alliance lightwielders talking of stuff like “purifying Azeroth” and cleansing it of all impurity again. Flashbacks to draenor. Belf don’t go around doing this generally.

So they might be uncomfortable with belf, but at least these light welders are committed to killing the ones who heavily resemble and behave somewhat similarly to those who massacred their people on AU draenor. Enemy of my enemy and all that.


For now, they might be distrustful, but eventually they might come to trust them after seeing them fight with them and against the draenei.

Peeve… I want new models and graphics being available in Classic, at least as an option…

Don’t want the faces who are smashed by a pan

You think you do, but you don’t.


Personally i would play Classic for it’s story and timeline more than anything like features or gameplay
That’s why :slight_smile:

The fact I haven’t unlocked Mag’har still like a loser bothers me. I want a MU priest from Shattrath!

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Stop being lazy then!