Pet Peeve: The Undying

You ain’t me mother!
I’ll do it when I get paid, got things to transfer about too.
On an unrelated note, I miss PVP scaling to a degree. Due to freshly dinged people appearing, or hard-core players being put together, it seems to turn into a god awful crud fest.

The rage quits in Dead By Daylight.

Die like a man, or let others rescue you so I can do enough gens to get the hell out! i need distractions for the killer.

I love Frostfire ridge… And all Draenor zones

I am really annoyed we can’t visit them anymore ICly and lore correct…



I don’t know. It sounds quite reasonable to me.

I mean, think about it. Is the game fun to play through, and does it also have features in it that allows for replayability? If that’s the case, then a ten hour campaign for one playthrough doesn’t sound that unreasonable.

It’d be unreasonable if the game wasn’t that enjoyable, didn’t have any replay value, and wanted 50 Euros for a ten hour campaign, and only that.

Then there’s also the “Value” prospect. Play 10 hours for a fun time, or 20-30 hours for a mediocre time?

This so much. I LOVE AU draenor. I don’t care about the unpopularity. The music, the zones, hell I even liked the “alternate time line” storyline.

To not be able to use the zones legit is so bad. I mean some like shadow moon you can legit pass off as a bigger azyremyst Isle. The others though? Not really. Which is a shame because they are some of the most lovely zones in WoW imo and have huge potential for RP.

I guess you could do it with mag’har along the lines of “remember that time we…” telling of stories where you essentially roleplay the past. Given the age required though this would need characters involved to be around 40 plus (and that would only make them 10 or so in the Wod era).

I’ve touted with this idea for classic RP… In a way. So as part of one of my Highmountain Tauren monks spirit quests, he is currently learning the history of kalimdor Tauren shamanic traditions and where they came from. So in classic I’m going to RP as a tauren shaman whom is the subject of his “spirit visions”. The tauren involved won’t know this, as they’re just a figure from the past who is since dead, but their life is being viewed through contact with his spirit in the current time line. However their classic “alive” journey will inform my HMTs own understanding of Kalimdors history and thus influence his RP as it will determine what the spirit is telling him of their own journey.

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Oh yeah, i agree tbh
There were points of weakness in wod, but still there were things i damn loved

I think Frostfire ridge, at least parts of it can be used as Frostwolf village in Alterac IC :blush:

I was just about to say that!

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Oh cool! I am really thinking to do this tbh
It would both have the coolness of Frostfire ridge, also being something… Relevant and correct
There is such thing for Alliance, ooc Elodor, IC Azuremyst

Would be dope if we do this :smile:

Did you really just do that pun.


We have to talk about this.

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Oh yeah, the pun works aswell :smile:

How bout you just ignore the lore and make your own, you’re probably better off with that.

I could wipe my butt and there’d be a better story written on the toilet paper than what the devs have in mind

Go ahead.

Prove it.

Imagine someone being crazy enough to go ahead and post a pic of a poop-covered piece of TP now

So you can’t back it up, huh!?

You’ll just have to wait and see™


Poke me on disc if you want :slight_smile:

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Sadly I’m not really a roleplayer… ;_;

I’m more of an idea giver for RP or whatever… :<

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Oh really? Didn’t really know or couldn’t imagine xD

But still i guess we can discuss it :slight_smile:

Not like I haven’t said it plenty of times in many different threads! >:

I thought you knew me man… </3

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Wanted to fight well in RP but know nothing of actual fighting irl so…

It’s like having a character who’s smart, but being an idiot irl