Pet Peeve: The Undying

I liked both the second and third seasons but I hated the fourth season.

No you’re not smart for musing deep philosophy during a comedy you just seem pretentious.

Yeah, the second and third season were quite cute. First season wasn’t bad either.

I wasn’t a big fan of the settings being swapped every season, mostly because it was always like “So, I guess you had a good time getting to know and love these characters. Now watch us kill them all!”

Felt like a bummer every time. I really liked the queen in the second season.

I hadn’t thought about that, I had hoped that Golden joining the team meant we’d see more consistency but it seems that still isn’t the case.

Pretty sure that if we, forums dwellers from RP servers, were given the power of writing the story, we’d be able to do far better jon than them.

No seriously, if we were to elect people from AD who understand the lore, know it for the most part and could write about it… At least the stpry would make sense instead of this. RN it’s mostly YouTube wow content creators that are carrying the expectations or the potentials of a good story.

How can a company fail so bad at this is beyond me.

Reality is often disappointing. The lore could be whatever I want it to be.

My pet peeve is that XRP development has stopped and I have to use TRP now, even though I find it clunky and bloated.

Despite neither being clunky or bloated these days.

I don’t really understand the vehment pedestalling of the anti-TRP sentiment, its been years since TRP was the bot-fly swarming mess it was back in the heady days of Cataclysm, when there was about 7 different tabs for all sorts of features, no one know -how- to use let alone wanted to use.

It’s the only RP addon that lets you report for adult content as well! Surely that makes it better than the others, right?


hold on…
http s://eu . battle . net/forums/en/wow/topic /17620742078
I wrote this some time ago.

That’s that TL;DR essay I mentioned.

'course, some people might hate it, too, perhaps even more than what Blizz wrote, but it’s what I would’ve liked, anyways.

I’m convinced that roleplayers are the people who pay the most attention and have the best cohesive understanding of the lore. Because we kind of need to for context.

Bad writing and inconsistency seems to be the product of different blizzteams being kept in the dark about each other’s stuff.

That, and them generally not giving a damn, remember, “continuity exists to enhance the story, not to tie the hands of the creators.” and “Blizzard won’t let negative fans influence its stories.”

As far as they’re concerned, the story is there to make expansions, a resource, nothing more. If the story gets ruined, who cares? They certainly don’t.

In addition, their writers have the tendency to insert themselves, or their views into the game, rather than try to make a good story (See: Christie Golden and Chris Metzen.)

doing interesting charity work BUT i’m not allowed to talk about it due most of it being confidential >:(

How can charity work be confidential? Does the company you do the work for keep like 90% of the donations or something?

you sign for that bit.

I’d think that one issue is the product of another. Directives to make story regardless of consistency rips apart writing teams into blind divisions contradicting each other even further.

Yeah but why keep charity work secret?

Political assassinations for the good of the world, obviously.

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hold on, i used the wrong term, voluntary work. ill explain in abit.

Also a peeve, the forum scroll bar is bugged these days.


Yeah that worked out really well for David Gaider from Bioware.

Fill me in? What’s that all about?