Pet Peeve: The Undying

A quick Youtube search on his name shows something about “Sexual Diversity” in gaming.

Peeve: i miss Orgrim Doomhammer…
And i am annoyed that his role was so minor in WoD…
Still didn’t forget Thrall yelling FOR DOOMHAMMER!

It’s a long story but one of the writers started getting egotistical and began started inserting Anime -esque characters in a Medieval fantasy setting. He also has a habit of writing in overtly sexual characters who constantly say very lewd things in a gay way [that’s significant cause he himself is gay hence how he inserts himself into the game]

Also likewise related to the quoted post he also began attacking fans who were genuinely critical of his work. However this was rather vicious than what I hear about Bliz.

It’s also a real shame I like Gaider’s writing until he goes on a ego trip with it but he’s got very good character concepts.

EDIT - Just to be absolutely clear I was mainly talking about David Gaider


Wanna know something worse?

Gorgrond was supposed to be about the friendship between Orgrim and Durotan, with how Orgrim saw Durotan as traitor for not joining the Iron Horde or whatever.

But, like with the rest of Gorgrond, it was scrapped completely during Beta and what we have now is the new stuff that barely has anything to do with the Iron Horde.



I don’t think you’re fairly representing him. I had these on hand 'cos I was trying to work out what it could be about before you replied:
Here’s two tumblr posts by him about specifically gay stuff. And below are two specifically about transgender characters 'cos I know it’ll probably come up at some point.

And here’s a list of characters he main-wrote for at Bioware:

Was HK-47 an overly sexual character who constantly says very lewd things in a gay way? Or Aerie?

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Alright let me try to explain it.
My work consists of being part of a council that is mandated by law that ensures the rights and livelyhood of patients in the mental healthcare facility/region i’m attached to is defended as much as possible.
This means i’m sometimes presented with confidential information about either the company and certain cases, when accepting to partake you sign to keep your mouth shut about the confidential parts obviously.
As said charity work is not right term but here we have 1 word for voluntary work and charity work.

Fair enough.

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Yeah heard of it… Annoyed me tbh…

Literally the most important Orc after Thrall basically gets scrapped…



I’m mainly referring to his behavior post DA 2 ala 2011 and the attacks happened soon after that game was released. The attacks also happened on the Bioware social network.

While I would still say Zevran would apply to what I’m talking about but Iron Bull from DAI would also perfectly fit. Also that list does not include the characters from DAI that he wrote.

As for the Transgender thing I really have no problem with that.

Trying to write a pve campaign, at a loss with where to start.

I have the story in mind, but do I; lean into dnd? How heavily?

I always start with the villain and work backwards from there. And if you are stuck for ideas, cribbing DnD premades or other game stories doesn’t hurt (though go too close and your players may realise what they’re in for).

Most important questions for a villain to me are goal/intention (eg. rule, slaughter, survive) and power source (eg. politics, magic, wealth)

Unsure of what this means.

Also confused as to what’s sexual and a gay way of saying things.

The more I think of what WoD could have been, the more I have to mourn. It’s still a silly alternate universe timetravel premise so common with long runners unsure of their own direction that it’s its own cliché.

For basic stuff, the cardinal sins work as motivating “flaws”.

I actually have that down already. I know who the “big bad” pulling all the strings is and why they are doing it etc.

I have just never lead a campaign before.

I have lead simple one off battles before in a home brewed dnd style (or way simpler than an actual dnd battle), but they’re normally only between 2 people and one of them being me.

It still brings my piss to a boil how Blizzard wasted Maraad.


Omgggg saaaaaame

What annoyed me more is his legacy… Becoming the crap named lightbound

Turn times in Total War campaigns. They start tolerable but even with a killer CPU I end up waiting forever for the AI.

I’m referring to Fenris

This may look like I’m backing away from what I said but this post and my last one were written in a rush as I was about to hop in the shower when I was writing these so I didn’t have time to be somewhat articulate in my reply but I’ll quote a bit of Zevran’s dialogue to illustrate my point.

  • “Can you smell that? Like rotting flesh. Just like back in Antiva City. Now if only you could find me a prostitute or two, a bowl of fish chowder and a corrupt politician, I’d really feel like I was home!”

  • “And here I thought the Wonders of Thedas was a -----house. Pity.”

As for Iron Bull

  • Iron Bull: You and the boss should use that between the sheets.

  • Iron Bull: Hey, are you as turned on as I am right now?

  • Iron Bull: Hah! I’d offer to help you get rid of that frustration but, you know… I’m in a committed relationship.

As I said I was in a rush so perhaps I was a bit out of order saying it was gay so I apologize for that but I think you can see what I mean with the overtly sexual comments.

For a final note I’ll say I have no problem with the sexuality of the characters [the former is bi while the latter is pan] as I also don’t have a problem with sensuality. My issue however is the writing, Gaider’s writing seems rather blatant at times concerning the sexuality within a Medieval fantasy.

Meanwhile if we take a look at The Vampire Lestat [reminder that Vampire fiction is generally romantic] we can’t really tell that Lestat is gay, even when he’s with Nikki there’s no blatant expression of their love and the only time you could make one out is the scene in which they share a bed together to sleep in before Lestat’s Vampire stalker attacks him.

I don’t know that character and what they’re like.

I’ll grant that, maybe, but that’s the way of things in recent years and doesn’t stand out in my mind.

Lords of War: Maraad was the best. His voice actor nailed the emotional tone.

[quote=“Levey-argent-dawn, post:5493, topic:25407”]
I don’t know that character and what they’re like.

Fenris (DA2) is voiced by Gideon Emery and is super cool and angry and angsty. Though I’m not sure how he was particularly “anime”. Tall, dark and brooding isn’t exactly an anime-specific trope.

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